Looking to buy a Subaru 2.5 RS; help needed

I’ve come across a nice little '99 2.5 RS that I’d like to pick up. It needs a rear diff according to the current owner (friend from work). Knowing next to nothing of the Subie scene, I’m looking for forums, vendors, etc. to help me in my search for info and parts.

If anyone has a rear diff their looking to sell let me know!


What are your plans for the car?

Here’s a rundown of what you’re getting yourself into by buying a '99;
-First year of the SOHC engine
-Only year the SOHC used a MAP sensor (the sensors are known to be problematic so be prepared to replace them)
-Had an open rear diff from the factory so here’s your shot to put an LSD in it. Try to find an R160 with the same FD.

That’s basically it. There are a few more things you’ll learn like colors and wheels but overall it’s a good car.

Plans foir the car? The most basic would be to drive it daily through the winter, enjoying the beauty of awd. I don’t have any visions of ‘building it’ as i haven’t even driven the car to even know how these things feel and/or what more I’d want out of it.

Thanks for the links Copper…and thanks for the info N’Crtl

Please buy a full exhaust.

I love scooby’s so much.

These cars are really slow, right?

Slow in a straight line, somewhat. But quick in snow, dirt, lava, dead babies…etc.

They’re fucking slow. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

The rear differentials don’t go bad on stock 2.5RS’s unless the fluid was never changed since the car was new or something. I’d investigate that. If you want a shop familiar with Subarus to go over the car before you buy it just let us know.

They run 16s stock but if you decide you want it to run 9s or anywhere in between just let us know. :slight_smile:

And AWD is a lot more “beautiful” in the snow with a rear LSD. Swapping in a viscous rear LSD assembly from another Subaru would be a big upgrade. I don’t have any to spare at the moment.

^Mike, I’ll def keep you guys in mind should the need ever arise. The “diff needs to be replaced” was a comment made by his mechanic., so who know just what that means. Obv. not having the car in my possesion makes this difficult…but my initial queery in this post was where to look to gain information on these. I hope to connect with him tomorrow and take a better look at the thing and get more detailed info on what it needs.

ding ding ding ding! :tup: