Looks Vs Speed?

what do you guy think is more important for your car? I have the funds to either A. do all of my body work and get my car painted or B. turbo my car. I’ve been thinking about both of them for quite some time now and I cant decide. :rolleyes:

Go before show. Paint doesn’t push you back in your seat when you poke the accelerator.

B-Wurm :smiley:

I’m all about speed. I drive a Honda… have to make it as fast as it’ll go! :rolleyes:

get a loan and do both. I cant stand to drive somthing slow ass but if its ugly im just not having as much fun!!! But then again I do all my own paint and its cheaper for me and I could have an entire car painted inside and out in a week or so and only cost about $800

Alan, sounds like you need to do this guy a favour.

:lol: that sounds like a good idea!

Do it! Do it! Do it! :smiley:

I’m next though.

i’ll take speed any day

That was my big decision when I was thinking about a swap. Honestly, boost is so much more fune than n nice wheels/paint job. To me, a stock 240 lowered with proper rims and kouki’s is done enough for me. Engine, the sky is the limit. You don’t think about how your car looks when you kicking the shit out of a Honda with a 5000 paint job and a whale-tail spoiler!!!

turbo for sure!! no question in my opinion, looks can only get you so far, but smoking guys in srt-fags is priceless.

Hmm i hate to say it but i would say neither.

First would be coilovers, wheels, then a turbo. For me bodywork is last unless the car is rusted or has really shitty paint to begin with. A good power polish goes a long way to making the car look better.

Race before rice. My motto when it comes to cars.

Hey Allen, if I prime my car, will you paint it? I’ll pay you for it. :E

hmm, we can work somthign out yes! Add me to MSN

im pretty much all about the rice… :lol:

we know :butthead:

I want to go fast, but there is only so much power you need for the street. I want to have a car that looks good too. There needs to be a balance I guess.

BLING GETS THE BITCHES…I’ll take cruising anyday over speeding in a shit box

If I had $3,000 and i could spend it on the engine or looks it would be looks…not to say that i dont like going fast, i would just like to do it in style. 8)

Watch out people are going to call you a ricer. Calls on Mike to put on flame suit

flame suite on

go for both, turbo first, looks after

it doesn’t have to be one