lost of power or something

hey guys i just had a problem wit my car recently. sometimes wheni ;m driving it seems like i lose all power fo like a split second. like the dash flickers and powers comes back off and on…anyone know wha the problems mite be …ground…wires…anything would help thx

check your alternator.


i would start by making sure your battery terminals are tight and not corroded. then if you still have this prob you can get your battery and alternator tested to see if theres a problem, it shouldnt cost too much maybe half hour shop labour

^^ x2

sounds like bad ground / connections

yea i think it mite be the altantor too …problem has goten worst…now when i let it cool down sometimes my car just shuts off .

take your car to the battery doctor 9204 62 ave NW they will test your alternator and battery free of charge. and you dont got to rip your battery out and take it in, they will just pull your car into their shop and do it for you.

got my altantor checked and its fine

x3 Blinking dash lights and loss of power (especially when you hit the brakes) could be a bad battery, or the connections on the terminals are loose or there buildup preventing a good connection. It could also be many things but lets hope its the easiest and obvious, because chasing down electrical shorts is not fun.

Do you have a multi meter? Did you do a check with your alternator in the car, I don’t know if you brought it to a shop or did the following already. I had a shop test my alternator saying it was good when in actual fact it was bad - the new guy misread the output I guess.

put the leads on the battery terminals and check the voltage reading see what the numbers are. Start the car -

put leads back on to see if it’s a tad over 14V… if not, you’ve found that the alternator circuit is bad.

I had this problem in my 90 and here was how the numbers went:

Car not running, 11.XX
Car running, 11.xx

With the car running, started turning on accesories - this number starts ticking down.
If I revved the car and held it at a higher rpm, to the point I’m getting concerned the neighbours would be pissed, it got to 12.xx

After a new alternator it was 14.xx consistently with the car running.

Hope this helps - good luck.

yea got it tested wit a mulitmeter thingy and it read 14v