Lots of problems =(

Hey guys Ive had almost nuthin but problems with the nissan i bought. The alternator went, it keeps losing coolant, sumtimes it wont start, the idle is VERY unstable, etc.

I’m tihnking what should i do? should i jsut sell and buy another nissan? I already fixed the alternator, now the idle is very usntable and sometimes my car decides not to start at all. the car loses coolant constantly. it will go through about 1/2 a litre ina day easy. what do you guys think, should i call it quits? i need a reliable car that will get me to work and back! i love the car and all but sometimes you jsut gotta cut your losses, what do you guys tihnk?

You’re in the wrong section.
Anyways, post some pics of the car’s shape… if the rust is not bad, hell ya its worth fixing (depends to what extent you have problems, but you can find very cheap parts for the S13…if thats what u got)

if the oil is clean, I would suggest a leaking hose or weeping waterpump… I fix that kind of shiz in my driveway heh