Low Partrol - Air Ride + Full Build On Undercover Cop Cruiser

Like the golf is that yours?

<----- Guilderland Highschool represent! Class of 09.

Damn I’m old…:cry:

It was a joke, as per the “old fashioned” comment in there. Get butthurt about it why dont you :rofl Go back to working on your ni99ermobile.

I haven’t seen a poorboys car at a show for awhile now. You guys are still showing nationwide?

My daughter is African American and so is my wife you piece of shit.
Say something else and I will visit you. I’m not some little punk you want to joke with.This is why I wasn’t posting threads on this site in the first place.
I seen your pic know who you are and will smack you like the little bitch you are. I hope I see you

musta missed the thread by the site owner about threats resulting in temp ban.

chill dude just do work, show it and you will get a good rep. Just have to have some thick skin at times around here.

Curious as to why you don’t use Grand Premier for the tires?

They are good guys I had a friend who had the edge scuffed/scratched on a 24 inch rim…We can’t afford to be without the wheels at this stage of the build. (rechroming)
I have used them for my daily driver and other tire needs and they were great. I called them about stretching the tires we have onto the wheels and they weren’t sure but were willing to try… We are running custom 30 series Know of someone else with 24x12 (13" overall) capabilities with the white glove touch?

I’m a good guy but won’t tolerate that ! I’m pretty sure the owner is of ethnic background and would understand the root of my anger for ignorance. My family is my life and would be glad to be banned over standing up for them.

No one is blaming you for that sir.

I know you’re new to the site, so I’ll give you a break. Personal threats are not tolerated here. I understand your anger but you need thick skin on this site. Just let it roll off.

Warning #1.

:rofl if you cant take a joke you shouldnt be on this site

Grand Premier should have no problem stretching tires either. What size tire do you want to run?

I ment no harm by it… as he didnt either i am sure. tiss all good homeslice.

p.s. - single pump coming for you in spring. BE READY. :slight_smile:

this man knows all about single pumps! Ask Tracy!:rofl


I will see your :rofl

and raise you :ahh