LTE boosters

Jesus, what is your data plan like on your cell phone?

Not terrible, I’m not a “power user” by any means. I use about 5-7 GB per month and my wife uses 1-2 GB with her phone. Still have an unlimited plan from Verizon.

I use wifi in the house. saves battery and porn downloads are lightning fast.

My best suggestion for you would be to look into possibly trying to get one of their MiFi hotspots, specifically the novatel 4510L. It has support for external antennas, which you could then run outdoors/rooftop where you have slightly less attenuation since you’re on the cusp of coverage. Could be the easiest method for you situation, just my 2c

Can’t add that without losing my unlimited data plan. We had a hot spot before, it was a Samsung, didn’t work all that great. But maybe the external antenna support would be the difference.

Yea that’s what I am thinking, since you’re on the fringe, that extra little attenuation you get from being indoors seems to give you nothing (since you mentioned you had a few bars outside). Other than that, I don’t really have any other good ideas. If you do go with a repeater, just make sure you register it. After talking to some folks, they are much more compromising now with them, they just need to be registered so we can be aware of any potential interference etc.