Luckily no games I care about are coming out for the next month or so...

Somebody hacked my Commodore 64 acct

Someone hacked my Oregon Trail. They gave my wife dysentery and killed several of my oxen.

:lol :rofl

thats funny.

but ps3 ftw.

I think my leapfrog console has been compromised

My tin cans on a string have been wiretapped… fuck the patriot act


Bumping this, I just got hacked too, Cossey. I got about 4 e-mails yesterday basically saying “someone bought a fuckton of points, and moved all your shit to Brazil.” I was at work so there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I’m fucking livid, calling M$ in a few…

Werd. Maybe they’ll give use some free stuff like PSN did.

Wouldn’t that be nice lol. I’ll just be happy if I get the charges reversed and my gamertag back.

And still don’t have as many trophies as I :rofl Get on that!

Last two FO games have been great though. Interested in what they’ll be doing next with the series.

Oh and just picked up an older game, Dantes Inferno. Great game. It’s like God of War in mid-evil times, while in hell.

Either one of you guys play expansion packs? How were they if so?

How was Vegas compared to FO3? Better/worse/improved?

I bought the GOTY edition of FO3 which had all the expansion packs built in. They’re worth the playtime although very glitchy, especially point lookout and mothership. I have not yet downloaded the expansions for vegas, but will be doing so.

I really enjoy the recent fallout games. Just something about being able to sneak around slowly and kill anything you want is kind of fun. FO3 I got into immediately, Vegas took me a little bit to warm up to with all the added BS but it’s a really good game once you get moving with it. Not nearly as glitchy a FO3 unlike what most said. And the hardcore mode is great, having to eat/drink/sleep all the time made it more interesting.

Looking forward to another one, and soon.

i been playing Black Ops: Zombies like a boss again :rofl

New morrowind is coming out 11.11.11

Might not be your type of game but as far as RPG’s are concerned it’s looking epic.

This is why I have no credit card/anything linked to my account…too many horror stories with shit like this.

:rofl In my defence I like to create characters with wacky stats.

Just got Magic the Gathering Planeswalker 2012 on steam for $10. Logged $30+ hours playing magic cards on my pc. That pretty sums up my life over the weekend…:rofl

I can’t stand the zombies on that game. Maybe it’s because I can’t make it past round 3…

That’s probably part of it.

I’ve never gave it a real go on it. I’ve only played it 3 times. :stuck_out_tongue: