Machining Aluminum Parts??

I need 3 small parts machined from some 6061-t6 aluminum; they’re currently made from plastic. (2 parts are the same, one is different, rough sizes: 2x @ .25 x .5 x 1"; and 1x @ .75 x .75 x 1.5)

Should take someone who knows what they’re doing less than a hour to do; anyone able to help me out?

Hoping to have this done this week if possible.

(Wish they were car parts, but they’re parts to my Screen for my Projector; so I have no TV in my living room until i can have these parts!)

You need them made out of 6061 becuase?

6061 is baller thats why! and expensive.

because he thinks it makes him sound like he knows what he is talking about.

You could use pot metal and be fine, its not load bearing. There are no moving parts inside a tv.

wow you guys really do jump all over someone for their choices.

welcome to the internet

Uhm… An Engineer doesn’t just pull material choices out of his ass… we have our reasons… (So Kiss My Sphincter Walter!!!)

#1) 6061-T6 is standard stock at MOST places that do machining of aluminum; my company goes through PALLETS of it every week.

#2) The parts are currently made from 10-30% glass-filled Nylon from what I can tell.

#3) The parts are under-designed for the stress they have applied to them.

#4) The parts ARE MOVING, as they are part of the lifting/lowering mechanism on my projection screen. They are parts of the electronic/mechanical stops for the up/down location.

#5) The material grade is what I know and deal with all the time; as such, I’m familiar with it, and it’s deflections under load when compared to something like GFN.

#6) I’d rather have the replacement parts OVER-Built than UNDER-made like they were factory.

If you had explained all of that in the first place, such as moving parts, and that its for a moving screen, and what its for, than we wouldnt be so quick to judge.

There is still no need for 6061, its much harder to work with and will cost more, where as a softer aluminum will cost less in both stock and labor.

picture of the part? I could do them if you want to come to Rochester.

Softer material I’m worried about deflecting; there’s a good amount of force being put onto a fairly thin area; thus the reason why it’s deflecting horribly right now. As for cost of material; the amount of AL needed, any shop should be able to pull out of the scrap bin; honestly the parts are not that big.

We through out TONS of pieces at my work larger than would be needed for these, so even if I have to supply material, that’s not a problem.

And Labor - the difference in time is negligible; the parts are too small for cutting time to have a serious impact.

let me see a drawing.

6061 is for pussies, 7075 is where its at.

^ shits more expensive than Ti.

most of my bike (read 20") is made from 7075 and titanium. ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Ok Mr. ENGINEER, you should have the common sense to not OVER restrict your parts. Why throw a .0005" tolerance on a hole that doesn’t need it? Why require a fancy MIL-SPEC coating, or ridiculous surface finish when it doesn’t need it? And by the same token WHY SPECIFY A CERTAIN GRADE OF ALUMINUM WHEN YOU DON’T NEED IT? Shit, I have co-ops that work for me that know better than that. Looking to get this done on the cheap means you are going to be plenty happy having it made out of scrap 304 or anything else equivalent, so why in the world would you specify? Oh yea, to sound like a blow-hard. Go pound sand.

holy crap all this because HE wants something for HIMSELF? Let the man get what he wnats. Nobody argues when you want a 60 inch TV but only need a 32. Wow. Whats the big deal if he is supplying the material also?..wowza…it’s like Caturday with real live humans!! MEOW!!

Yea, whatever walter, keep blowing smoke; great to hear you ranting again and getting your panties in a bunch!!! Keep at it!!!

And I got one of the guys here at work to machine it; so thanks for the info/offers for those who did contribute something worth while instead of just throwing mud like a child.

I’m assuming you would use 6061 because of how easy of access you have to it at work. And for alot less probably. (or nothing).

All the power to ya. Post up some pics of the finished parts.

have you considered other plastics? There are plastics that deflect less then aluminum. Atleast that way you could save having to outsource machining and just do it yourself with basic tools. They seem simple enough.