MAF or Boost Problem?

I developed a problem at the last track day. Car would not rev higher that 2500 rpm and would sputter. The guyes at the track said it was probley a maf problem. I changed the Maf and car would now rev normal. I took car for rip and every thing seemed good. After some harder acceleration car was not pulling as hard and started to sputter if I put my foot in it. Car seems to only hestitate when I press accelerator down faster. I’ve had a boost controller installed a couple of weeks ago. Boost is 9 on low and 11 on high. It does the same thing on both settings. Could this be a possible boost leak somewhere? Is there anything else this could be? Not sure if it is still Maf related.

push throw or blow by maf set up?

my maf did the same thing, the plug came off of it one day and i couldnt go past 2500. sounds like a rev limiter if you give it any gas at 2500.

push throw or blow by maf set up?

I’m not sure what the difference is?

Sounds MAF related, check wiring and make sure the wire clip is on good.

Thanks I’ll check wiring again.