Is it coming from the front or the rear? Makes a big difference. If it felt like you blew a tire while driving could be that one of your brake calipers is seized. If they are it could cause a ticking noise. Hope that helps but figure out if it is the front end or rear end were the problem is and if it is parked does it make the noise if so it not the brakes but more than likely something from the engine and dohc due have timing problems however there less common than sohc.
The problem on the 401 was definately from the rear. I don’t know how to explain it. It felt like the car was wobbling in the rear. Front was fine. I don’t understand it tho. It sounded SO bad on the 401 then like 10km later it just corrected itself. But there is still the same clunking noise as before. I just want it fixed because I don’t want this to happen again.
Ok, I had to have one changed for the safety. Passenger side. I don’t think it would be a problem already. correct me if I’m wrong. Would one wheel bearing make both sides hop/wobble?