well as long as they have separate bathrooms… i don’t see a problem with it. HISTORY DID THIS!!!
back on topic…
Its just crazy some of the liberal choices… but the most liberal of them all religion still rears its ugly face, or homophobia
You are going 20 different directions and missing my point that only you seemed to miss.
The issue is that there is not a NATIONAL law allowing gay marriage. You can not get married in New York other than a small town in Long Island. Some states you can, others you cant.
How can kids come into same sex families when there is no nationally accepted law? You are going on tangents about pedophiles and abusive spouses. The difference is that THAT IS ILLEGAL EVERYWHERE. You cant touch a 12 year old in New York and go to jail but if you did it in Florida you are ok. Explain to your children why your marriage is only legal in one state and not another.
I said it before and I will say it now. There needs to be changes taking place before children should be allowed to be adopted. The whole country needs to accept (from a legal standpoint) the gay marriage law first. After that, then children should be allowed to be adopted.
Homophobia is the new civil rights challenge in America.
You do realize you don’t have to be married to end up with a child in a same-sex couple right?
You do realize you don’t even have to adopt a child to end up with one in a same-sex couple?
I’m pretty sure the only reason the ban passed in CA was because of the retarded wording they used.
As election day nears, both supporters and opponents of Proposition 8 worry that voters will be confused by a choice that seems counterintuitive: Voting “no” on the initiative means supporting gay marriage, while voting “yes” means gay marriage would be banned.
I wonder if Pelosi’s team crafted that wording? Sounds about her speed.
Oh man… that sucks…
not much more to say here
It passed in cali because of a huge propaganda campaign by religious and other conservative 527 groups. When i was out there for the last 2 weeks i was bombarded with ads and the general misinformed voter sentiment was “If this prop doesn’t pass, churches won’t be allowed to perform marraiges any more unless they give in and marry gays, and they won’t, so not passing this means you won’t be able to get married in a church.”
That, and TV commercials with teachers like “I was forced to teach my kindergarteners about homosexuality, blah blah blah, thats not the moral values i want to instill in todays youth”, and just general bullshit.
You say this and maybe you dint follow any of your parents values or life choices, but proper guidance is such a important thing in the raising of a child into a good productive adult. There is a reason that 75% of US prisoners were raised by women… Women are stupid and most do not know or have the ability to provide proper guidance to an adolescent.
I cant explain, nor does anyone know what the affects of more and more prevalent same sex upbringings will lead to, but I have a feeling that it will have a negative impact on the generation as its prevalency increases.
Im not saying they shouldn’t be allowed to adopt, I dont know where I stand on that. Im just saying that I feel a m/f relationship is just a lot more healthy of an environment than a m/m or f/f relationship to bring a kid up in, on so many fronts. If getting kids into healthy homes is such an issue, maybe politicians should focus more on keeping people from having them.
It’s a damn shame that it didn’t pass, and IMO says volumes about how far we STILL have to go …
Can we go back to arguing about spec miatas so you can put your foot in your mouth some more
all i know… these social issues are a fucking WASTE OF TIME. I have my own feelings on them but really, lets just focus on the economy, the US infrastructure, our over seas affairs, ect. ALL this fucking time is wasted on social and ethical issues that are so ingrained in people one way or the other that its an absolute waste to worry about them right now. lets put it on hold till other things are settled. its like arguing about who should get the last coke out of the cooler when your cars engine just blew up, two wheels just fell off, and your stranded in the middle of nowhere. its a waste.
If this post wasn’t so fucking stupid and such an obvious attempt at trolling I would reply…
Exactly, people fail to see the bigger picture surrounding taking AWAY rights that people had, oh, I don’t know, 3 days ago.
i really enjoy conservative think… Less government infringement on everyone!!! oh wait… unless it pertains to your life choices, adoption options, women’s bodies and choices, our personal liberties and privacy (read: wire taps)…
its so hipocritical i could puke.
How does this not exemplify me looking at things as two sided as I can while still expressing my opinion… Oh i Get it, if we don’t agree with Walter then were all stupid assfucks (which is the only way I see your arguments) You are the ignorant douche who can only look at things one way… There are so many reasons why this shit is in debate and this is the one i Just find to be the closest to my concerns.
Not once in that thread did I put my foot in my mouth! In fact, I converted everyone’s mannerism in that thread but yours, where you still were the only one raining “You cant race until you have 2456561 hours of track time and a $2464454465 budget you ignorant dummy,” comments.
I really wonder what you do for a living that you can afford a track car and to go racing because you are one of the most ignorant unintelligent people on this board. Why don’t you go back to sucking off your boytoy in sig and being an eliteist fuck!