Im soooo moderate, but this thread reeks of liberal buttsex, if you guys are that unhappy with your freedoms move to Ca and reap the benefits of what you want out of america!
Im :io:
Im soooo moderate, but this thread reeks of liberal buttsex, if you guys are that unhappy with your freedoms move to Ca and reap the benefits of what you want out of america!
Im :io:
Ok whiner, provide some supporting evidence as to why same sex parenting would have a negative impact on the generation
this should be good
Make sure to read them all… they are all more than valid points, although im sure you will see no validity in any of them as you are apparently so single minded. Again, im sure there are a thousand of Pros out there for gay adoption too. I clearly stated I dont know what my opinion on the matter is, but to sit in this tread and say, “THIS IS MY OPINION AND ANYONE WHO DEFYS IT IS AN IGNORANT DUMMY,” is just the most narrow minded garbage ever.
The Cons of Same Sex Adoption
The traditional nuclear family is still an ideal that should be clung to. Where its breakdown is inevitable, a close substitute, with maternal and paternal influences, is the only alternative. Evolution and nature has shown that the natural development of the young is aided by both these influences. Research in the US (Univ. of Illinois Law Review, 1997) finds that children raised in homosexual househoulds are significantly more likely to be gay themselves.
While exceptions occur, the norm in nature is that offspring are nurtured by mother and father. To legally allow adoption by gay couples is to encourage what is an unnatural upbringing.
A child’s primary role models are his or her parents. Bringing a heterosexual child up in a gay household gives them a distorted view of a minority sexuality, just as a girl brought up by two men would fail to benefit from a feminine influence.
While the law should not penalize gay relationships, it also exists to encourage the nuclear family as the ideal for child-raising. Just as married couples receive tax benefits and unmarried mothers may suffer cuts in welfare, legal prohibition of adoption by gays is a natural step towards this ideal.
Homophobic language and behavior is still common in society. Placing a child too young to have an opinion of their own in the care of a gay couple exposes them to this prejudice, and subjects them to ridicule or violence. Whatever ideal we might have, the psychological and physical welfare of the child must come first.
So let the kid grow up with a parent that sells drugs, steals, and is in and out of jail constantly.
Sounds like a great role model to me instead.
Most research does not support this. There are some differences in behaviors and attitudes, but actual orientation doesn’t seem to be affected.
Ugh, I just got into this same argument IRL.
I gave up arguing and gave the homophobe the number of a friend who was raised by two lesbians. Of course, he didn’t want to talk to him. That would have been relevant information and real insight into the matter.
go michigan!
Can someone please explain to me why any of you have a problem with being gay? I can almost promise you that you have a few around in your every day life and you have no clue!!!
If you were being mugged and a well known gay cop helped you, would you flip out? Let’s pull out chuck and larry, if your house was burning down would you say “hey homo get the fuck outta here”.
If a couple is MARRIED and wants to adopt it’s because they obviously care about each other. The chances are they will give the same love to a child that otherwise very well could end up bounced around from home to home.
shut up, grow up and leave the subject alone.
What if a gay dude told you hey your a retard for fucking girls and said I love the cock and you should too!!! Think about it.
To each their own, the end.
as far as being raised by a Mother AND a Father,…
what happens in hetero-sexual relationships when there is a widower, divorce, etc…? does the government come in and seize the child because the single parent is incapable to raising their child? no
Straight or gay: It’s only sexual preference. There are thousands of other things that define a person, yet sexual preference is the one thing holding gay people back from doing so many things in this world.
It’s fucked up.