Marine Tosses Puppy


so your post, coupled with your wikipedia crosspost has made it abundantly clear that people who torture animals grow up to be rapists, murderers, etc. etc.

this is a fact i do not deny.

i can’t imagine that you’re stupid enough (though i bet you’re pretty stupid) to be trying to draw the parallel that all rapists and murderers have “homosexual issues”

so why did you even bother bringing that stuff up in response to what i said? no one was denying this…

are you scared of killer fags? do you have a hard time sleeping knowing that IN YOUR VERY NEIGHBORHOOD, there are men having sex with men who could kill you at any moment?

of the examples that you just cited, the first one to pop into your little brain was “homosexual issues”

who has the “homosexual issues” again?

I forgot that being married to some haggard “model” and firing out some shitty kid immediately precluded you from being a homosexual.

wait a sec. these guys are married. and gay. but that can’t happen!!! oh noes! worlds collide!