Mark VS everyone!

Do you need to ask… (it was me)

What I don’t get is why everyone get’s their knickers in a knot when someone offers way below asking. Just say no and be done with it…?

What’s ever stupider is someone else “defending” the OP who got lowballed… it’s like they took the offer as a personal insult, really, it’s none of your business to begin with, let the OP deal with the response. Depending on how the OP handles the situation it can either make them look professional or like an idiot.

But really, is low balling even an insult? In one way, it might be, but in reality, no, not in my opinion. The person who made the stupid offer was fishing for a deal, that’s all. There’s no implication that the seller is in dire need of the cash, it’s not like the offer was indicating that he seller was poor or desperate. If the seller was desperate and needed the money ASAP, then they might consider the lowball.

Other things to consider when selling a car on a public forum, suck it up… maybe the market value just isn’t there. I’ve been trying to sell my ca18det hatch for a reasonable amount of cash for a few months. I’ve learned that what I want and what the market will bear is very different. I want $500 more then my best offer, sure I’ll compromise and sell it closer to maket value however I need to deal with the idea that i’m out to lunch and adjust accordingly.

Regardless, I think this whole situation was blown out of proportion and was 100% drama. Nitescream doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that get’s easily offended (probably best not to talk about his mom) and I bet, this “lowball” offer slid off his back in a matter of seconds.

my $0.02 for what it’s worth