Mark's Track Day! Oct 14th (Dunnville Autodrome)

Pending payment for 2 spots tonight

  1. Bog / Lith (S14)
  2. Andrew (Subaru WRX)
  3. Timo (Skyline GTR)
  4. Roger / Sr20 (S13)
  5. Dan (RX8.)
  6. Fred (AE86)
  7. Fraser (STI)
  8. Lenny (STI)
  9. Norm (STI)
  10. Salko (Integra)
  11. Alan (STI)
  12. Joe / Zagatto (Corolla)
  13. JamesS (S14)
  14. Jeff Beech (Legacy)
  15. Richard Song (Impreza STI)
  16. Phil Soper (WRX)
  17. Jim (RX7)
  18. Ian (RX7)
  19. Richard / Roast (S13)
  20. Eric Dugas (S2000)
  21. Nikola Rank (RX7)
  22. Nathan / Bignate (GTR)
  23. Craig Daley (323)
  24. Steve Grannell (G35)
  25. Frank (2.5 RS)
  26. Andrei (S13)
  27. John Coey (GTi-R)
  28. Dustin / Hurricane (S13)
  29. Scott / S-K (S13)
  30. Greg (S13)
  31. Mike Large (S13)

03. George (AE86)
04. Mael (Oni Kyan)
05. Calvin (Miata)
06. Henry (350z)
07. Maxgohan (Some guy who loves Dragon ball)
08. Paven (M3)
09. multisynclg
10. JDM-Imports (GTR)
11. Matty
12. Veloz S14
13. DarkForceJackal (S13 KA-T, not sure yet)
14. PureEuroM3(GTS-T)
15. kollo(s13)
16. Krazyconcepts
17. Krazyconcepts

Just wondering if it would be possible to come and watch, i’m getting my g2 in a few months and I’d like to see what its all about.

absolutely. you are welcome to come out and watch.

Guys, since it’s near the end, I can’t save spots for anyone. If you want a spot just send payment asap. Asking me if there are spots left is wasting time. Just send payment to via EMT asap.

I check my emails often and I update this thread often as well.

In the end, it’s first come first serve.

Right now, there are 4 unpaid spots.

At this point in time, I would not even ask if there are spots, I’d send the EMT and then either call or txt me to let me know that it has been sent. If you payment comes in after those 4 spots, I will refund your payment.

look at all of those hardparkers on the interested list… wow

03. George (AE86)
04. Mael (Oni Kyan)
05. Calvin (Miata)
06. Henry (350z)
07. Maxgohan (Some guy who loves Dragon ball)
08. Paven (M3)
09. multisynclg
10. JDM-Imports (GTR)
11. Matty
12. Veloz S14
13. DarkForceJackal (S13 KA-T, not sure yet)
14. PureEuroM3(GTS-T)
15. kollo(s13)
16. Krazyconcepts
17. Krazyconcepts

Wow… look at that list of hard parkers…

All spots are FULL.
If anyone drops out, the guy in the waiting list will get the spot.


  1. Bog / Lith (S14)
  2. Andrew (Subaru WRX)
  3. Timo (Skyline GTR)
  4. Roger / Sr20 (S13)
  5. Dan (RX8.)
  6. Fred (AE86)
  7. Fraser (STI)
  8. Lenny (STI)
  9. Norm (STI)
  10. Salko (Integra)
  11. Alan (STI)
  12. Joe / Zagatto (Corolla)
  13. JamesS (S14)
  14. Jeff Beech (Legacy)
  15. Richard Song (Impreza STI)
  16. Phil Soper (WRX)
  17. Jim (RX7)
  18. Ian (RX7)
  19. Richard / Roast (S13)
  20. Eric Dugas (S2000)
  21. Nikola Rank (RX7)
  22. Nathan / Bignate (GTR)
  23. Craig Daley (323)
  24. Steve Grannell (G35)
  25. Frank (2.5 RS)
  26. Andrei (S13)
  27. John Coey (GTi-R)
  28. Dustin / Hurricane (S13)
  29. Scott / S-K (S13)
  30. Greg (S13)
  31. Mike Large (S13)
  32. Mike Fizzell (S2000)
  33. Chris / Krazyconcepts (GTR)
  34. Cory (CRX)
  35. Greg / GT (Mini?)

Waiting List:


All spots are FULL.
If anyone drops out, the guy in the waiting list will get the spot.


  1. Bog / Lith (S14)
  2. Andrew (Subaru WRX)
  3. Timo (Skyline GTR)
  4. Roger / Sr20 (S13)
  5. Dan (RX8.)
  6. Fred (AE86)
  7. Fraser (STI)
  8. Lenny (STI)
  9. Norm (STI)
  10. Salko (Integra)
  11. Alan (STI)
  12. Joe / Zagatto (Corolla)
  13. JamesS (S14)
  14. Jeff Beech (Legacy)
  15. Richard Song (Impreza STI)
  16. Phil Soper (WRX)
  17. Jim (RX7)
  18. Ian (RX7)
  19. Richard / Roast (S13)
  20. Eric Dugas (S2000)
  21. Nikola Rank (RX7)
  22. Nathan / Bignate (GTR)
  23. Craig Daley (323)
  24. Steve Grannell (G35)
  25. Frank (2.5 RS)
  26. Andrei (S13)
  27. John Coey (GTi-R)
  28. Dustin / Hurricane (S13)
  29. Scott / S-K (S13)
  30. Greg (S13)
  31. Mike Large (S13)
  32. Mike Fizzell (S2000)
  33. Chris / Krazyconcepts (GTR)
  34. Cory (CRX)
  35. Greg / GT (Mini?)

Waiting List:

  1. Rico / Zoneman54 (F430)

you snooze you lose eh. FUCK BALLS.

All spots are FULL.
If anyone drops out, the guy in the waiting list will get the spot.


  1. Bog / Lith (S14)
  2. Andrew (Subaru WRX)
  3. Timo (Skyline GTR)
  4. Roger / Sr20 (S13)
  5. Dan (RX8.)
  6. Fred (AE86)
  7. Fraser (STI)
  8. Lenny (STI)
  9. Norm (STI)
  10. Salko (Integra)
  11. Alan (STI)
  12. Joe / Zagatto (Corolla)
  13. JamesS (S14)
  14. Jeff Beech (Legacy)
  15. Richard Song (Impreza STI)
  16. Phil Soper (WRX)
  17. Jim (RX7)
  18. Ian (RX7)
  19. Richard / Roast (S13)
  20. Eric Dugas (S2000)
  21. Nikola Rank (RX7)
  22. Nathan / Bignate (GTR)
  23. Craig Daley (323)
  24. Steve Grannell (G35)
  25. Frank (2.5 RS)
  26. Andrei (S13)
  27. John Coey (GTi-R)
  28. Dustin / Hurricane (S13)
  29. Scott / S-K (S13)
  30. Greg (S13)
  31. Mike Large (S13)
  32. Mike Fizzell (S2000)
  33. Chris / Krazyconcepts (GTR)
  34. Cory (CRX)
  35. Greg / GT (Mini?)

Waiting List:

  1. Rico / Zoneman54 (F430)
    2.tosh - need 2 spots

dammit tosh what were you thinking?!?!

Question for you all. If I were to purchase a GPS-based Data Aquisition device would anyone be interested in “renting” it? It just suction cups to the windshield and uses the 12v in your car for power. Data is aquired via accelerometers/g-meters and GPS.

It gives you things like cornering G’s, lap times accurate to 0.1 seconds, extremely accurate speed (10 readings per second) and other goodies.

I’m not sure if I should grab one or not, I’ve always wanted one… but I can’t really justify it for my own needs… i dont even have a car that is track worthy right now.

cost would be like… i dont know, maybe 20 per hour?

i know, my cousin gonna kill me. he really was pushing me to go. i was supposed to pay on the weekend. me and my lazy ass.

how does the unit receive the telemetry? via laptop or does the unit have a display? what do they cost? you have so many hook ups, they can’t be that expensive.

at a track day i would rent one.


damn ur in big trouble haha

im not sure what you are asking… all the data is aquired via gps (and other internal sensors) and then it has data logging that can be pulled to a computer (it logs in real time to an SD card). see pic below for a sample… it plots the course and stuff, its sexy.

it does have a screen that you can customize to show you speed, g’s, a compass and some other jazz

this version that i would probably get would cost only $500, the next model up also includes the ability to display and log your slip angle which is pretty sexy also but for my needs unnecessary.

you answered it. data via laptop, nice. i would rent one.


I’ve been looking at one of those as well. They are super cool and I’ve seen some of the more expensive models that record height as well and will produce an accurate 3d map of the track.

If finances weren’t killing me then I would rent one. Or I would take photos of your car for you with my camera kit. Or let you point and laugh at my ride without getting upset… ok… I pretty much expect people to point and laugh so I don’t get upset but I would like to see my track times.

haha, well im going to try to get my hands on one before the weekend - dont worry Joe if I find one we’ll work something out.

How old is your daughter? :slight_smile:

j/k ;]

^^ I second that.

She’s 5 and will probably be smokin’ hot when she’s a teen. I am not looking forward to her hitting puberty… not even a little bit.

I will just enjoy the smiles and enthusiasm she shows now.

haha, you better be careful then!! you’ve only got what, maybe 6 years left until you need to start worrying… kids these day :smiley: :smiley:

bring her to the track while she’s young enough to not get much attention

any hottie at a track day will get jumped, guaranteed.

spot #2 (Andrew / Subaru WRX) is up for grabs.