Gee, could it be because a ton of Washington DC employees live there?
I think the highest paid people in the USSR lived in/near Moscow.
I am going to send my resume to DC. Competition is for chumps, I just want a cushy job that I basically can’t be fired from.
Yeah, I know, I am really super pissed at my bank right now so I am taking it out on everyone else.
And of course those that work in DC are the highest paid. In our capitalist system the best and the brightest receive the highest reward for their superior work.
(It was hard to even type that with a straight face…)
it’s all relative
And look how much housing is…and how shitty the commute is…
You know that lobbyists and consultants and the like make a lot more than the actual government employees themselves, right? At least until they lose an election and become lobbyists and consultants.
My father and bro live in VA and work in DC. The commute is horrible. The housing even after it plummeted is still high as hell. So while you make more, the cost of housing zaps you pretty hard. This is no surprise, it’s like that in any heavily populated city. Now go’ment workers…they get hefty pay and it seems to climb exponentially with minimal effort and work ethic. (Sorry Dad. LOL. He retired from the go’ment at 55)
^^A thief by any other name is still a thief.
Northern VA has the highest average household income… check out Arlington, Fairfax, and Loudon County.
Traffic sucks and cost of living is insane.
That’s where I am. About 10 miles outside of DC and on the Metro Line. Housing is ungodly expensive. You have to find a decent place to afford that isn’t in the ghetto.
Granted I don’t have a job right now but I’m in the wrong profession… The biggest areas down here that are growing are healthcare and IT.
It’s not the gov’t workers themselves that get paid a lot, its the millions of Gov’t contractors that get paid too much. Although the actual govies get a pension to make up for the difference.
govies do the bare minimum amount of work to get by
I disagree its more dependant on the individual
Would you guys trust a govt pension paid in USD? I sure as hell wouldn’t and try to warn my father to diversify into property, metals or other tangible assets (preferably those that provide cashflow). I’m gonna hate to see all his years of work and savings go down the tube because he placed all his eggs in the US paper market and pension basket. I hope I’m wrong, or rather that I’m right but I don’t have to witness it.
This is true in any industry/company. My Father was a hard worker…I was joking about him not working hard. Often his job came before his family as he was traveling all over for NAFTA etc…
Well I can tell you that is the way it works at the Pentagon…
and don’t try to say you’re not like that, because you are HERE posting right now, instead of being productive
^ ok but dont lump everyone together
You really don’t understand unless you have seen it…
I’m extremely productive actually
and btw being productive ! = 8-5