Mashed rear quarter panel

Lol lucky…i wish this was a little dent. The damage is huge goes all the way into the doorjam yet the doors hardly scratched…the impact of the van pushing the quarter panel right in opened up the gap between the doorjam and fender :? just wait for pics…not too much longer and parents and i arnt fixing it anytime soon.

Ok i got computer back heres the pics. The flat black is where i sanded the chipped paint and primered it so it doesnt rust. I also kicked out the top of the dent from the inside a bit but its still messed :cry:

i have worse but similar damage on BOTH sides. its fromt he previous owner, idk, i rly dont want to go widebody because then i need spacers or wheels with some crazy offsets

My project/restoration car has the same issue and I have over fenders for it. You will need to fix the door jam to use the fenders there is no way around that. I am undecided if I am going to use the over fenders yet but even if I do I am still going to fix the damage that is there. since this car is being restored and is a mint chassis to begin with I do not want to just cover it.

But if you don’t mind knowing its there then go nuts.

Shoot me a PM if you have access to a place that sells them or if you dont intend to use yours. Im trying to get them out of a group buy im sticking to that but in the case it doesnt fall threw id like to have a back up. the doorjam part sucks…i kno thats gota be pulled but it popped out a bit when i kicked the panel out from teh inside of the car.