Mayoral Race

Dick head Dan had plans for for that money also not just PAT . But when he tried to use it for other things besides PAT it backfired on him because of the way he worded it. He just use PortAuthority as an excuse .

Actually not at all. but thanks for the insult. I bought my first house while you were still in your old mans balls, so i think i know a little bit about houses and property taxes. I will repeat my point, since it went right over your head.
It took no political will for Onorato to raise taxes on a select group of businesses(the hospitality industry), rather than a larger group of people(the homeowners of Allegheny county). The homeowners of the county are a large enough number to vote his ass out, while the hospitality industry is a much smaller number. So therefore, he took the chicken shit way out. The drink tax(along with the rental car tax and a few others), are being paid by by people who do not live in Allegheny county(along with plenty who do live in AC). Considering that State tax revenues are already subsidizing peoples bus rides in AC, i resent having to once again help pay for someone elses bus ride. Since it is the Port authority of ALLEGHENY COUNTY, lets let the citizens of ALLEGHENY COUNTY pay for it. If Danny boy had raised property taxes to subsidize PAT, there would have been enough of an outcry that maybe, just maybe, their might have been some MEANINGFUL cost cutting in that huge black hole. But no, nothing has changed.
Do i think property taxes are too high? Hell yes, one of the reasons i moved out of AC was because of that. But passing stupid taxes like that drink tax doesn’t solve the problem, it only serves to perpetuate it.

You are a socialist, i do not expect you to understand.

so if he raised property taxes, wouldn’t you have to move away to do the same style “boycott”?

Your right…what was i thinking. He definitely took the easy way out (lord knows not the sensible way out) when he decided he better not raise property taxes and instead impose more luxury taxes. :bowdown:

He also made the "PROMISE that PAT would be moving back into it’s Manchester offices and not paying to rent a floor in a building downtown but the higher ups at PAT just recently signed another multi year lease on that floor .

No, because i moved out of Allegheny county in 1994. My wife and i dine out frequently, and after that tax passed we made a conscious decision to try not to patronize any restaurants in Allegheny county, and if we did, not to order any alcoholic beverages.

Rather than ANY new taxes, Onorato should have demanded that PAT make due with the money it was getting. He didn’t have the political courage to do so, so he took the cowards way out and taxed a small group of businesses.

Rather than ANY new taxes, Onorato should have demanded that PAT make due with the money it was getting. He didn’t have the political courage to do so, so he took the cowards way out and taxed a small group of businesses.

Yep, tax and spend liberalism at it’s finest.

If the city and county merge, I’ll be joining you up in Butler.

Taxed businesses? They taxed a luxury and it did not hurt businesses. I drink my fare share (and that of probly 5 other adult males) on the weekends…the drink tax hasnt stopped me or anyone else that i have to squeeze past when i am in southside to get a drink. The bars are no less crowded at all. Therefore it shows its not hurting the drinking public enough to make them slow it down…

If everyone in pittsburgh did have your mindset, I feel that the boycott mentality just to prove a point is what would hurt businesses…luckily, however, pittsburgh drunks seem to have a better idea…get over it and continue to enjoy our drinks.

First of all, they taxed a PRODUCT that is sold by a business. Using your logic, one could make the argument that any establishment that prepares and sells food or drink outside of the home is a “luxury”
It DID hurt business. Here are some facts.
Sales of wine and spirits to Allegheny county establishments decreased 4.3% in 2008 Vs 2007. In the meantime, sales to the 5 contiguous counties to Allegheny increased by 4% 2008 Vs 2007. Using that decrease, the number can be extrapolated to a multi million dollar loss of food and beverage sales in Allegheny county. There is a LOT more to the hospitality industry than the southside.

The mentality of “just get over it and enjoy your drinks” is what enables these politicians to keep piling more and higher taxes on us year after year. If that’s OK with you, then that’s your choice, but it’s not OK with me.

i don’t usually get involved in these political discussions so much any more, but this Onorato guy is just bad news. I don’t care so much about what happens in Pittsburgh, because they will just keep electing democrats and will stay in bankruptcy and nothing will really change, but Onorato as governor would be bad for the state.

i thinking some people didnt get the concept of the “i dont live in the city option”

I just realized this thread is in “On Topic” and apologize accordingly.

Dave, you’ll never get through to them… they don’t even see the points you’re making lol

ps- onorato is pure garbage

You’re right Sonny.

how much did residency go down in alleghany county between 07-08 and how much did it go up in the counties around? maybe that has something to do with it.

Well, he won anyway. Let’s see the new budget and taxes :slap:

shows u the intelligence of the city… they also voted for a guy that put “urban farms” at the top of his agenda just because his dad was a steeler…

the county residents will be pissed when they get their merger pushed through… welcome to the county of PITTSBURGH-ALLEGHENY

It’s not going to be pretty. Mayor Doogie is going to nail the businesses AGAIN and go after non residents for $$.
My guess is that my employer will be moving out of the city when our current lease expires.

if you work an 8 hour day in the city and live outside it i dont see why u should pay 33% of what city residents pay… 33% is the amount of time 8 hours is from 24… it should also be the reverse… if you work outside the city but lve in the city you should pay 66%… me, i live and work in the city so my fair share is 100%

Should pay you

i drive thru town its about an hour to hour and half a day should i pay 6% to the city?