Mayoral Race

Now there’s a great idea…let’s tax college students and/or their parents.

Yeah, parents with kids in college have a huge surplus of disposable income.

Good job asshole…

I was SO pissed when I heard about this. Let’s hope the higher education board puts this asshat in his place today. What a stupid “idea.” Pitt brings up a VERY good point that they provide their own police.

Now that I live in Allegheny County am I going to have to start caring about this shit?

On my advice, my company is moving to Washington county as of February to avoid Taxagheny county (amongst other reasons, lease ends etc.). Timing was impeccable :slight_smile:

maybe if pittsburgers werent so damn stupid this city may be twice as nice as it is. dems have had a monopoly on mayor forever… im not upset with that fact because i’m not a dem but because i realize that much of the same thing isnt good for business. that brain dead union menatality, welfare collecting do-nothings, stupid people that say stuff like “luke is a rockstar” …thats what go him relected. luke grew up with people in politics, i sure his streets and sidwalks were always nice growing up… Dok who was always dok until it was convient to use Franco Dok Harris has lived off his dad his whole life… said he wasnt gonna do that in a debate and then the first commercial after the debate was rocky blier promoting his ass. Kevin was gonna be a man of the people who had the best education of all three…kevin grew up in south oakland, whos dad was a criminal bum and he became what he did inspite of all of that… thats impressive, shows you what kind of person he is…

i think the elctronic system is greatly flawed… especially for old people… half the time i cant even figure the shit out. but when you have as many elections as we do around these parts you can;t put something as important as mayor on the second page… most of those people hit ALL DEM on the first page and thats it… plus voting used to be sorta nostalgic…go in the curtin, pull some levers and register it and here the machine do its thing… now i feel like i just ordered some MTO at sheetz…