McCain's Lobbyist "Friend"

i just hate to see the situation simplified as it has been.

McCain is a great man. It was his withdrawal in the 2000 Republican primary that prompted me to defect to the Democratic party in the first place. I only agree with about half of his positions, BUT I know he’s more of a realist than most of the members of his party, and has no problems working with my side of the aisle if it’s for the good of the country. The only thing that scares me is that he has done some pandering to the hard right in this election cycle, but I’m pretty confident he would drift back to his default position should he win the presidency.

Having said that, Obama has my vote, 100%.

If it’s McCain v. Hillary, he MIGHT have a chance of swaying me.

This is a stark contrast from the choice we were given four years ago. Last election, we had to choose between a shitty incumbent and one of the most underwhelming Democrats in recent history. We should consider ourselves fortunate this time around.

Unless you’re a conservative. Then you’re fucked.
