I agree. We should have left immediately after toppling the regime. Not that we should have been there in the first place.
Iraq has never really been a war; It has been an occupation of a territory that has only (historically) been stable when under a dictatorship. IMO, Iraq can ONLY be fixed by breaking it up, like Yugoslavia, and keeping a UN/US presence for the foreseeable future.
I totally agree with them needing to break it up. However, let them do it. Our presence there only makes things worse, IMHO. And even if there is move violence after we leave… I really don’t care. If they choose to blow each other up, what does that really have to do with us?
As much as I say we never should have gone to Iraq, I also say we can’t pull out entirely until there is some “normalcy” there.
We have people in Japan 63 years later, so why would McCain’s statement be insane? Also, keep in mind that it’s been taken out of context when it has been reported.
Because I for one do not want to pay for the security of yet another nation. I want our troops home from Japan, Germany, etc. Just think of how much more money we’d have for your facist Robin Hood entitlement programs if we cut our defense spending by 50%!!!