McCain's Lobbyist "Friend"

You’re catching on.

Like Darkstar said, a vote for Paul isn’t throwing away your vote. Even if you don’t like anyone, go into the both, and don’t chose anyone, you’re still giving them you’re opinion and that’s what this is based on. People too much decided to choose the lesser of the evils. If you don’t like any of them, don’t pick anyone, but still go and use a ballot. If everyone did this, and gave up on party loyalties, our election process might start to work the way it was intended again.

so you’d rather vote for someone you think is a douche rather than vote for the person you believe to be the best candidate because they don’t have a shot at winning? Why do you have to vote for a winner? PA is not a swing state. Your vote is not going to be the difference between McCant and Obama. So why not vote for who you HONESTLY think will be the best candidate?


Even if Paul doesn’t win, you’re voicing your opinion that you believe this country needs to return to it’s fundamental values of minimal government and maximum freedom.

right now the thought of obama or hillary is outweighing me voting for the best canidate. the guy i wanted from the start is out anyway. i would ideally not like to vote…but i feel i need to counter the votes for hillary and obama. all these young people on the obama bandwagon are like sheeps being lead to the slaughterhouse… atleast you paul supporters have a real reason and guy with a record…not some puppetboy that keeps shouting change and just graduated from kindergarden and hasn;t done a damn thing.

obama jumped in the ring casue he thinks he can box… lol


we should just conquer the planet literally instead of economically and then they’ll ALL be our troops, a la Alexander the Great.

removing the troops from the bases outside the US is fucking retarded. They provide a launching pad for an attack and they provide the country which they are in a lot of money which in turn gives us diplomatic leverage with that country.

I dont speak any Greek, do you?

There’s so much stupidity in this paragraph I have to separate it out.

Did you ever think that’s one of the reasons that the world doesn’t care so much for us? Because we have a launching pad for attack right in their back yard. How would you feel if the Chinese opened up a big ass base in Mexico, right next to our border so they would have a “launching pad” to attack the US? We would consider it an act of war. In fact, we almost started WWIII over Russia’s presence in Cuba. Our bases in South Korea are a direct threat to China.

and they provide the country which they are in a lot of money which in turn gives us diplomatic leverage with that country.

YOU ACT LIKE ME AND YOU AREN’T THE ONES SUPPLYING THEM WITH THE MONEY! why the hell do I want my tax dollars to be propping up an economy in Whogivesafuckistan while our economy over here is in the shitter. Our roads are falling apart, our schools are decrepit, our government is bankrupt and in the hole almost 10 trillion dollars. The LAST THING we need to be worrying about is starting wars. In this world we are a Navy Seal in a room full of unarmed children. We have the largest most powerful military this planet has ever known. No one is going to invade us militarily. Our weakness is economic. We are a net-importing country. We consume so much more than we produce. We need to spend money on fixing our economy and becoming energy independent.

Sometimes I wish you would show up to a damn meet to I could smack some sense into you.

I have spoken in length on this subject with my brothers, one is in the air force and one is in the army. It seems to them and a lot of people who have spent time overseas at these bases that they are a good thing to have. I have heard that a lot of little disputes between countries have been resolved with a few small words, America can remove the bases unless you side with us. It may be more important for you to have more cash, but all the cash in the world won’t mean dick if we are taken over. Those bases also provide tons of intelligence for the US, and not just poor intelligence like WMD in Iraq, I am talking about good intelligence.

This is one of the few things I disagree strongly against how Ron Paul thinks. I know you think that removing the bases and our people from the other countries will stop the hatred, but it will do nothing. Having people over there on the ground giving first hand feedback is what will allow us to stop a lot of things that may happen.

I may show up to a meet at some point, maybe. :love:

If this is true, why did Ron Paul get more donations from active duty military members than all of the other candidates combined?

Kinda like why I would have voted for him, I agree with more of his stances than I disagree with.

why won’t you be voting for him?

…because he doesn’t have a chance in hell, and unlike yourself, 77 is a probably a pragmatist who would rather keep an ultra-liberal democrat out of office then waste his vote.

I see no good coming from voting for someone that I think will be a terrible president.

I see no good coming from voting for someone that I think will be a terrible president.

In an extremely hypothetical situation: Let’s say John McCain is running for President against Adolf Hitler. Do you withold your vote from McCain because you think he’d be a terrible President?

it doesn’t really matter what I would do in that situation, since that’s NOT the situation, don’t you think?

My hypothetical was simply an extreme, radicalized version of the the situation you’re in right now.

Your chances of getting a candidate the agrees 100% with your personal views are slim to none in any Western style democracy. Refusing to vote for a realistic candidate because of this is silly (at least in my opinion).

So what would you do in my hypothetical situation? You could refuse to answer I suppose, but what’s the fun in that.

He is going to say that he would vote for whoever he thought was better, regardless of what the outcome may be. Even if it meant Hitler being in power.

I would vote for McCain in your situation to keep Hitler out of power, which is why I will probably vote for McCain in this election instead of Paul(who i think would be better)

Your hypothetical situation sucks. If you want to bring Hitler into the situation then you can compare the vote to Hilter vs. Stalin. McCain is about the most liberal Republican in the joint.

That being said, I’d still vote for Ron Paul. My vote goes much further and says a lot more voting for him than to vote for someone who I think would be a shitty president.

Well, I wish I could change your mind but I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.