February 16, 2007, 10:03pm
Funny, I worked for walmart for 2 years. You start at 6.00/hr. After 90 days you go to 6.25/hour. Every year after that you get a raise of between .10 and .25/hour. If you are promoted to a Department Manager you make 9.75/hour. After one year as a Department manager you can earn the next ‘level’ pay. Generally Department managers top out around 10.50/hour. Thats funny. For someone who has ‘heard’ and someone who has ‘been there, done that’ your figures are pretty inaccurate.
As for the people who work at places such as Taget, Kohls, Wendy’s, JoAnn’s, Best Buy, Red Lobster, Pet Smart, and Bravos… More often than not- theyy bus in. Just look at the bus stops on the way to and from the city. There are always people waiting for a bus. There are also several busses that stop several times to bring people to and from the city all the way there. Do you just assume ALL the people that are getting off the bus on McKnight in the morning (outbound) worked a night shift somewhere? I doubt it.
Walmart is for hillbillies
Target is for quality
That is my .02. I’m done.
When you work there did they do the Walmart dance??
Went to the local one once early in the morning, all the employees were in a meeting and when it was done they all starting chanting and dancing around. Please explain.:dunno: