Mckrackin Ford

:bigok: Well said!!
Another trick WalFart does. They will come into an area and solicit the competitions department heads and floor managers. They will offer them 20-30% increase in pay. Then, they overstaff the shit out of the newly opened store, so customers will think “wow, it’s easy to get help here, i like walmart”. They use the pirated managers to train all the new hires. After 90 days, they fire at least 75% of them, and replace them with the people that THEY had just helped to train. My wife was a department manager att eh Kmart in Gibsonia when the Walmart on the hill opened. She didnt take the bait, but a lot of her co-workers did, and all but one got canned after 90 days. (my wife is in banking now instead of retail, thank God!).
I hate Wal-Mart. Can’t stand walking in the place, and avoid it as much as possible. I agree with Jenn, their prices aren’t that the lowest always. No way. I would much rather go to Target. WalMart FTL