Meatheads: Need Advice

I don’t usually post but I figured this would need some real attention.
Training 5 days a week, no matter how hard you train, wont stop your estrogen production from going nuts. (Not to mention you will shut down your natural test production, which isnt good.)

When a cycle is over, your body reacts in a certain way. One way is the sudden mass-production of various hormones, including estrogen. To prevent yourself from getting gyno and a bunch of other nasty sides, you need a SERM. (Selective Estrogen Receptor Module, if i remember correctly.)
A good SERM is Tamoxifen. Its perscribed for breast cancer users. You won’t get this easily at all, I know where to get it, but i’m not going to go around giving names of reputable sources that already have enough un-educated kids buying things from them, they don’t need any more bad attention.

If you want a decent forum where you can learn a lot, try out Don’t post a stupid topic asking a bunch of questions without looking around their stickies.

Why do I know all this? Well i was a real fat ass at once point. I have a mild ph cycle under my belt. I didnt do very well, I lost all my gains but I learned a lot.

edit: the t-nation link is a good one, they are another decent site to read up on when it comes to this stuff. But overall, you’re not ready at all.