Meatheads talking about eachother's meat and increasing the size of their meat. MEAT.

MA !


Wtf is on your left arm dude did you have a fucking culvert installed for blood flow?

i cant tell if ur being serious or fucking around, please choose one or the other damn it! :idiots

your left arm, there’s like, a massive vein. totally serious. it’s in both pics.

To the post a few pages back…idk what im doing to be shrugging 510, i just put 4-45lb plates, and 3-25lb plates on each side of the machine and lift. I dont do the free weight, and if i do, i do it with DB’s.

I my shrugs today. 12 reps of 380, 10 of 470 and 10 of 550.
I smoke crack before going and I have crackhead strength when Im there. ;D

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this fucking site should be shut down for this thread!!!

i was in great shape when i got married, but now i’m a fatass.

On ma way to get my meathead on :lol

LOL nah its not that bad ! there is worse topics

yeah like every fucking travis bashing thread…

I’m going to invite my nutritionist onto this board to give you an education on nutrition. Before you reply, you may want to research the name ‘Alan Aragon’.

Also, if anyone wants an education on pre/post workout nutrition, check out this thread.

Again, depends on goals. I do not agree with Alan if your trying to become as lean as you can (for looks or a n event). For well balanced growth, his method looks good to me.

I spent too much time around a lean focus I think.

For sure. Alan caters his nutritional plans to each user, but I’m sure some of the same basics always apply (not sure if the pre/post workout carb source always applys…for example, i dont eat my postworkout carbs on non training days). His word is pretty much gold in the bodybuilding community…

this is true!!!

My gym was closed yesterday! Damn hungover fucks:down

everyone needs to post a pic of them flexing in the mirror holding the camera :slight_smile:

Im so old skool that i dont have a digital camera! If youd like ill buy a throw away and send some to your house!?!:rofl