Meatheads talking about eachother's meat and increasing the size of their meat. MEAT.

No, you clearly stated that casein is over-rated. You clearly did not know that the effects of a whey / casein combo / pm protein showed better results than just whey. I have no problem admitting that I’m wrong. (CEE - See above) Yet it seems like you are incapable of letting things go.

Wow man, look back at the posts (being lazy is your own deal). I implied that the use of protein before bed, in casien form, is not neccessary unless you don’t have a protein-rich meal within 5 or so hours before bed. I’m 100 percent sure that was my argument without going back and looking.

Here is the link to the post where I first mentioned casien-

Post 468.

I should have said ‘casien is not needed before bed’, instead of what I said, but the rest of my sentence clearly implied what I meant.

So, in an overview, I feel that casien protein is a great protein source, but it’s not neccessary to comsume it right before bed unless you are not getting a protein-rich meal within 5 or so hours before bed.

If you felt that originally about casein, you’d of stated that to start out with. Casein is very beneficial for several reasons. Ontop of showing better results than whey, PM protein has a great effect of curbing appetite. I for one find myself to ALWAYS be hungry. It’s very rare that I ever feel full. After one PM shake I do… to me, thats a great feeling.

I went through the thread again, I’d of clearly stated more about casein than what I originally did, but you jumped down my throat and questioned my credibility because of nitric oxide.

I felt like that from the start. I got caught up in you calling casien ‘PM protein’. I should have been more clear from the start. Go back and check the tread-the only thing that I said ‘bad’ about casien was that it was not needed to take it before bed. I NEVER said anything bad about the quality of the protein itself.

I apologize for critiquing you so hard in regards to nitric oxide. I WAS WRONG FOR DOING THAT. You obviously have some knowledge about nutrition. Unfortunately marketing and placebo sell more supplements then one may have ever thought imaginable.

Have you failed to read the posts above with the links to the nitric oxide?

And you seriously need to read through that thread again. I never referred to casein protein as “PM Protein”. I told Travis to invest in some casein and better yet, get a casein / whey mix. 94gt said oh ya pm protein. We then carried on a convo about that.

Travis posts up a pic of whey, I then told him to seriously consider investing in PM protein. You said its over-rated.

Travis is SCRAWNY and he does CARDIO. He needs to continue to do cardio to stay healthy for hockey. So guess what? Travis has to consume more calories to make up for the calories he has burned if he wants to add size. OMG… whats an easy way to do that? Take PM protein!!!

So yeah, I guess my suggestion to Travis is AWFUL.

I even said

You know it bud. I’ve read a lot of blogs where people have noticed greater results consuming PM protein since its a mixture of whey & casein instead of just your basic whey.

For whatever reason, I was under the impression that you were referring to pure casien protien as ‘PM protein’. Now I know that you were referring to a particular brand. I was wrong.

I read the article that you posted about nitric oxide, and I think it’s bullshit.

FWIW, many other brands out there are a mix of casien and whey. Dymatize is one of them-much cheaper then GNCs ‘PM protein’.

That’s your opinion. He asked for an article in regards to nitric oxide and I posted it… yet you still come out with comments like this

Unfortunately marketing and placebo sell more supplements then one may have ever thought imaginable.

I guess this guy knows nothing…

I did not state that comment just because we were talking about nitric oxide, however I do feel that it holds true about nitric oxide, ‘animal pak’ multi vitimans, ‘intra workout’ supplements, almost anything that Muscle Tech makes, etc.

Ronnie Coleman supports NOXPLODE…so that means it works. Similar to how if you wear Puff Daddys cologne, you are guaranteed to get laid…

Muscle-Tech is ridiculous… anywhom, I disagree with the nitric oxide statement. Here is ANOTHER article

link to the writer

So the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of a product is based upon who a company sponsors and how it markets itself?

Read the articles.

I’m going to try to get Alan back to look at that article-I don’t know enough about the specifics of things to post a valid argument against that article, but I’m sure Alan can. The deal with to me is, if you went to that site to educate yourself on supplements, the site would have you convinced to buy 100’s of dollars of shit, when in reality you don’t need most of what they are selling.

What I’m trying to say is, that kids that don’t know better pick up a “Muscle and Fitness”, see Ronnie with his arms around a bucket of NOXPLODE and that’s how they decide that they need to use the product, when it would be better to spend that money on educating themselves about nutrition from someone that is not trying to sell them a product. The bottom line (in my opinion of course), is that almost any supplement in the bodybuilding world is relying on the placebo effect.

i used to take NOXPLODE and all it did was give me the jitters. id be at the gym shaking. i didnt like it at all. i saw bette results just lifting harder and taking protein supplements

I took NOXCG-3 awhile back, only gave me some energy…and mood swings like a fuck. I was REAL mad when i was on that shit, almost choked out my ex gf…which lookin back i prolly should have lmao…jk

The effects that both of you noted are due to the excess amount of caffeine and other ‘energy sources’ in the product. It’s just a powdered energy drink, and the strength gains that people report on it are due to 3 things-

1)Caffeine and other energy stimulants
2)Creatine (big one)
3)Placebo (big one).

If someone likes the effects that they feel from a NO product, it’s easily (and more cheaply) reproduced with a caffiene source and creatine.