Meet up in Roch on jefferson?

anyone on here meet up at raymore and flanigan on Jefferson in hennreitta? i saw a shitload of cars there tonight, i just moved up here and am looking for something to do!

Im not aware of any of that and I work On jefferson, Im suprised people dont use my work parking lot late at night.

no thats the gay ricer meet…

We started meeting there last year, then this year, it was polluted by trash.


We started meeting there last year, then this year, it was polluted by trash.


Sorry I wont go there anymore :cry:

lol j/k. I haven’t been to a “meet” if a long f’ing time. I have started to enjoy the 50c BWW boneless days again though :slight_smile:

go there if you want to stand around, and argue with mustangs that will kill you, and its not worth there time. But scard to run, and take your money.:gotme:

If there is a place to meet, and people are gonna be there late, such as after midnight when i get out of work, Ill gladly swing on down.

BBW seems like they have a big enough lot to meet up in.

Also my place of business, The sutherland group, parknig lot tends to empty around 9pm in the front. I dont know how long it would last, but it would be worth a shot.


If there is a place to meet, and people are gonna be there late, such as after midnight when i get out of work, Ill gladly swing on down.

BBW seems like they have a big enough lot to meet up in.

Also my place of business, The sutherland group, parknig lot tends to empty around 9pm in the front. I dont know how long it would last, but it would be worth a shot.


It’snot a bad place to meet up actually, I’ve swung here afterhours to pick up a few things I left at work and it’s pretty empty and quiet part of Jefferson.

I just got my 240 back up and running as of yesterday too, it’s parked out there now :slight_smile:

Your are Sutherland too? What room/what department.

Im in the purple room and for AT&T. If your a smoker you can find me out back quite frequently.


go there if you want to stand around, and argue with mustangs that will kill you, and its not worth there time. But scard to run, and take your money.:gotme:


it wasnt his fault your car is a piece of shit. :lol:

Chucky never raced me last year :frowning:

“my car is out of gas”
“its not worth my time”
“my tires are bald”
“100 dollars isn’t enough to race for”
insert other excuses he said here


Your are Sutherland too? What room/what department.

Im in the purple room and for AT&T. If your a smoker you can find me out back quite frequently.


I’ve been driving the blue yamaha R1 out back all year round. Just put it up yesterday, got the red s13 for the winter now. I’m in the purple room too, right under the Cisco Systems sign.

lol @ sutherland

so sorry for you, i used to work there years ago


lol @ sutherland

so sorry for you, i used to work there years ago


Meh, depends on what you do. I get paid OK to sit here. I don’t sell anything, don’t do customer support/tech support, etc etc. But I know, it’s teh lame. Waiting to hear back from Paetech :pimp:

it is just city trash theater at its best. You see everything from, bikes to black girls smoking crack. (yes that is true i stood about 30 ft as she was hitting the pipe). A car gathering in Rochester after a few weeks is nothing more than one huge Jerry springer episode.

I make 8 fiddy an hour to sit here and take calls for AT&T and make commission, So its alright.

Its a full time gig, I get full benefits, it works for me.

Waiting on a possible gig with computer security shit at 12 and hour.

Besides Its my first full time job, and its sales experience for me.

I wait for my licsense to get cleaned up then work in Car sales


BBW seems like they have a big enough lot to meet up in.


Big enough for like 500+ people and a riot a few years ago. Yeah, that spot was “blown up” shall we say…

Oh, Thats to bad, Sutherland has a decent lot, but it really opens up after about 9pm

Monroe sheriff’s were out all night last night, they pulled over about 10 people at least that were in that lot. i wanna meet up with people out here. im living at mcc and cant really find anyone here that likes cars. and its too much of a pain in the ass to drive back to buffalo. any suggestions or maybe a possible cruise some time soon? i would love to meet some people in this area who like cars.


Monroe sheriff’s were out all night last night, they pulled over about 10 people at least that were in that lot. i wanna meet up with people out here. im living at mcc and cant really find anyone here that likes cars. and its too much of a pain in the ass to drive back to buffalo. any suggestions or maybe a possible cruise some time soon? i would love to meet some people in this area who like cars.


Is it hard to find people? Go to the track, check the local sites for meets, come out with us sunday nights, etc…