mejak sentenced to 3 years


There is no way to prove that the accident was a direct result of any action of that by Mr. Mejak. That would be manslaughter. It’s called “proof beyond a reasonable doubt”. It’s how you find people guilty of crimes in this county.

They were however, able to prove that his actions of him competing in a street race led to the death of those two people. The death of these people was a direct result of him breaking the law. Hence, criminally negligent homicide. It was foreseeable that people could die while participating in a street race.

poor kid, too bad he turned himself in, hes not responsible for the two who died, for all we know the mustang driver wanted to race and tried to show off, got beat and hit a pole, o well

edit: people do such worse shit and dont get half the punishment, idc if the judge brought up his record of street racing from his past, hes a grown up, if he gets away with it who the fuck cares, most of the people on here like to open it up once a while, he was just caught before

Lesson learned… Don’t race mustangs.

Fixed. :snky:

In all sincerity. RIP to the victims. I’m glad this is all over.


It’s weird, I’ve driven his car a few times, he was a really nice kid, I dont think he deserved this whatsoever. He didn’t for the other kid to race him, they chose their fate. No disrespect to them but that’s like eating fast food and having a heart attack and suing the fast food companies.

Eating fast food is not a felony. While eating my Big Mac, there is no foreseeable chance that someone may die due to a direct action of myself.

I see where you’re coming from though.

my wifes senior year of high school some kid got in a car drunk with his girl friend crashed, killed the girl… NO JAIL TIME…

this is BS. I’m all for keeping it to the track but in the end its the mustang drivers fault. period.

If you commit a crime or break the law and while doing so…somebody is killed… you are responsible.

Meaning if MEJAK, was breaking the law (street racing) and somebody died (Mark and Mel) and it was because of MEJAK (Racing)…MEJAK is responsible.

Lets say you were eating a big mac, some how your big mac had some poisonous deadly diesease, and you died.

The kid who cooked it, later admitted that he saw extreme discoloration in the meat, but cooked it anyways, and it happened to be served to you.

Should the person who cooked your burger go to prison for homicide?

mark and mel died because of mark racing. reguardless of whether or not mejak was there.

if mark was speeding up to pass a semi truck who was going 55mph on transit, while mark was going 85mph to pass him, and he lost control and killed them both

the semi truck driver would not be charged?

This cuntry/society fucking sucks on so many levels.

So the other guy decides to race with his girl in the car, noobs out, crashes, and its this kid’s fault haha

this is the first step, they will appeal

That is determined by a jury of their peers. They should atleast be put on trial for involuntary manslaughter.

Murder = Intent to kill or malice aforethought. I’m going to his house and killing him with a firearm.

Voluntary Manslaughter = Knowingly doing harm to someone, but under extreme circumstances or no planning. I saw a man hit my wife, so I attacked him and killed him.

Involuntary Manslaughter = No intention to harm or kill anyone, but its a direct result of you being reckless. I saw that the burger looked shitty, but I let someone eat it anyways.

word this is fucking BS! Im surprised the family didnt go after the dealership that sold him the car he clearly didnt know how to drive, This state is fucked up, i keep learning this over and over with shit like this going down. Such BS!
-Dont get me wrong it sucks 2 people died, but IMO they didnt die at the hands of Mejak.


Holy shit, I understand a majority of you people think its bullshit. Maybe it is? However, it is clearly outlined in criminal law and the penal code that Mejak can and will be charged with criminally negligent homicide.

I think both parties are at fault. Either one of them could have declined to race and there wouldn’t be this situation.