Mental man beaten to death 1984 vid

Video has just been posted on youtube
No one has ever been charged
could change now.

Man in black is the “mental” guy

Here is a posting from the site snagged it from.
Here’s the story on this video:
In a shocking discovery, this brutal and graphic video has just not been posted to the internet. It is a video supposedly taken from December of 1984 in which Bobby J Blythe, a karate "master instructs his student to brutally beat an individual who is seriously mentally ill. This man was later discovered dead in a dumpster and Blythe was never charged.

The instructor Bobby J Blythe had this to say about the incident:

'This dummy was in my shopping center while I was on a Bodyguard Job in Washington, DC. This guy was in the Pizza Hut eating pizza off the plates of others and the Pizza Hut Manager ran him out with a pistol. Later the very same day, police officers were called to remove him from a nearby pharmacy after having been caught reaching into customer’s purses. A short time after that, he visited a Napa Auto Parts store next to my Karate Dojo and told the management he planned on teaching in that Dojo and that Jesus taught him.

'The Napa guys told him he was confused (their polite way of warning the man against such action), but not wanting to miss a show, they told the man they would close early just to watch and that he must not know the owner, which is nobody to play with… Needless to say, the police pulled him out of the dumpster behind my Karate Dojo where he was neatly placed.

[ame=]YouTube - Mentally Challenged Man Beaten to Death[/ame]

im calling bs on that guy being mentally handicapped. he did some work on that blackbelt. At first . He just seems like one of those odd guys.

that black belt doesnt look like hes that great of a fighter

wow thats nuts

removed. fuck I wanted to see it.

x2. If anyone can find an alternate link it is Shaggy though.

man thats terrible. way over the top.

The guy in the black shirt held his own for a minute there… Thats just too crazy. can’t wait to see who gets charged. The “masters” of the dojo have no respect and i’m sure they have no affilation with any governing body because no one would let them join.
Good find on the link btw… youtube just so touchy about these things now a days…

wow that is terrible. the black belt was a terrible fighter. seen street fighters with better form than that guy lol.

wow… thats definitely not right. I hope some justice comes out of this video popping up…

That was totally fucked up. Hopefully something happens.

That’s disgusting. I really hope justice is served against those assholes. It’s pretty funny that the guy in the black held his own for a while against that fuck.

definitely snapped his neck on the second to last kick

:ugh: Thats pretty disturbing.

That is just sick. What a sad world.

dam thats fucked up !
