Mercedes Bionic Concept Car

lol. let me tackle these on a point by point basis.

first off, i feel like i don’t need to even respond to anything you type because your username is unicorn. sick bro, way to think that one out. that aside, i am pretty glad that me and a couple (maximas?) went out and cruised around, on a gorgeous day, on some great roads instead of driving my POS “muscle car” on the same fucking highways i drive day in and day out. Whoopty fucking doo. Secondly, I think it’s funny how all of you fucks totally live up to the stereo type of your cars. You get so fired up and pussy hurt when someone makes a shot at your car. Really, grow up man, i don’t know if you ARE self concious about you ugly car, or if you are self concious about being ugly yourself. But really, i could give a shit about being so tough… Maybe i used too many big words, i’ll try and dumb it down a bit to get on your tough guy level. YOU SUCK.

Calling me an attention whore is funny, because i arrived and left the meet quietly. I didn’t stand by my car. I didn’t even start it until it was time to leave. Let’s think about how “team fmf” rolled in. Rev REVVVVV REVVVVV hey man, check me out. Check out my fucking loud ass fucking car. Some fucking retard in a white car spun his tires and slid into a parking spot, but fucked it up and had to readjust like a fucking dumbass… real fucking technical. You guys are great. Also… let me point out that of all the cars there the only ones with the hood open were f-bodys with the same shitty fucking dirty engine bays in each one. Nothing cool, just some crappy bolt ons (firehawk excluded). OH BOY! By now, the typical muscle car owner has stopped reading and is thinking in his head how he wishes he could “kick that faggot’s ass”. Well, enjoy.

Making gay jokes is probably the lowest form of humor on the planet. Ironically enough… I have probably been with more hot girls than all of you combined. Know why? It’s called PERSONALITY. You clearly lack it. Rev your engine some more, hotshot.

This is probably the least funny thing i have ever read. I bet you thought you were real clever. Maybe you give your buddy sitting next to you a little elbow to celebrate your combined cleverness. Maybe you threw him a totally hetero high five. Good fucking job. Seriously. In two, two sentence posts i have been able to bring to light just WHY everybody thinks f body owners are a bunch of fucking bull-headed douchebags. It’s sooo easy!

And that is all that i have to say about that.

P.S. And as far as bandwagon people, it’s fucking rediculous. I don’t ask for people to give a shit about me. I don’t talk much at meets and i sure as shit don’t POP MY HOOD at meets, unless someone asks to see it. I think you guys are just jealous of my good taste, that’s all. Don’t worry, not everyone can be born as cool as me. But it doesn’t take alot to be cooler than most of you guys. Marcus is probably the only cool domestic owner i have ever met in my entire life.

EDIT: and if any of you guys want to race my shitty bug car through the twisties, bring it on.