Merry Christmas Me v.Subaru Built Motors


I may have to, but this time with a knowledgeable hand with a lot of wrench time experience. (insert student excuse here) Last “project” I took went down because of a careless mistake, under the hands of people who I understood may not be able to do the job right, but I had to, for financial reasons. Nothing against them, they worked thier asses off and did what I have heard to be called, “the toughest bolt on mod you can do to a subaru.” But im a year older now and I think I have the right person to do the job right.

I talked to mike and he does. We shall see what my tax returns dish out, If its enough, I would love to shell out the cash to get it done perfect:wink:


Word of advice. Do it right the first time or don’t do it at all.