messed up 18' Rim...

Thanks man, im gonna go there!

Tell him Vlad from Shift518 sent you over there, he’ll get a kick out of that as he was a sponsor for a site about 4 years ago.

I wasn’t trying to offend, I was really wondering. Theres some cheap ass rims these days, sometimes it’s just not worth it is all…

ah! cool. im a little Tired, shitty

Honestly I bought the rims not really knowing much about rims when I got them. There Nexo m-20’s…

They were cheap dude, I was more concerned about them looking cool then actually being made well. it was 6 years ago. I bought them on a inpulse. But they have lasted well. I drive the car hard, and They have taken The shitty streets of both Albany, Brooklyn and manhattan, With ease, Untill recently.

so they cant be to bad.

I deff will !

Let us know how you make out!

And or pics of aftermath.

Def, im gonna swing over there prob Thursday, I have finals all next week…So im in full down melt-down mode. Got a rental from the Rents, im past my warranty, so The dealer told me im shit out of luck. thank god my dads cool, or id be super fucked this week.

you know you can balance a square right? doesn’t mean it wont have more noise or a lumpy ride. a bent lip isn’t too bad, but sometimes bent wheels get misdiagnosed because they are in balance/got balanced with the bend.

with that said, i say change the tire and run it, it doesn’t look too bad.

  • rep to the new guy for rolling with the little ball busting. I mean that. You seem like a good dude from a few posts I saw from yeah already man. Nice to see good people sign up take a few lashings as to be expected and not flip out then leave with their tail tucked between their vagina. :rofl

This is how they look on the vehicle. There are lots of rim hazards where he works.


That’s cheap?:frowning: FML then, bought my Infiniti for 3800 and spend 2000 on used wheels. I dont even wanna get into my bmw. Shit my last bmw I spent 6k on and dropped well over 2500 on one set of multiple sets of wheels.

LOL diff strokes for diff folks I presume.

But really for 1,600 you could’ve had a SICK set of used wheels. People often forget this.

+109292928383 Love those guys

You’re right, I kinda sound like a dick, lol I also live in Downtown Saratoga!

Land of 18yr old kids driving 50k cars. in my parking garage under my apt, Theres lambo’s, benzs, Mas’s,

Its like a car show here at times, and only gets worse during track season.