"Mexicans," Bad Cops, Entrapment


personally, at least with the guy complaining about being embarrassed, he needs a wahmbulance and to stop being such a bitch.

now, on the other side of it… thats not right. How can the cops tell if “X” person plans on returning it or not? Just leaving it in plain view, with nobody around is retarded. I wouldn’t be surprised if more than one person who actually intended to try and return it was nabbed.

instead of leaving it on the ground or on a bench, they should send in an undercover and leave the wallet hanging out of his pocket and wait to get pick pocketed. At least you know what their intention was

i agree that whole operation could have been run alot better.

The setup kinda blows.

If the guy is being honest and was really grabbing it to return it.
and then gets arrested…

The sting operation has a dumb setup and it seems like they are using it for cause to run criminal historys on people.

I think he did it and should be thrown in jail for life.


Thats a crock of shit! I can say honestly that if I found a wallet, I’d take the thing home and try and find the owner. That is unless there happened to be a police station right in front of me. That way I know it’s getting returned and not pocketed by some clerk. There is so much wrong with that sting, I don’t know where to begin.:wtf:

Doing this with bait cars = great idea.

Doing this with a wallet laying on the ground = retarded.

What are you supposed to do, pick it up and yell “who’s wallet is this” so 10 assholes can all claim it as theirs? Put the wallet in an undercover cops back pocket and nail the real criminals.

lawsuit…that is entrapment, and public deformation of character. Have fun =)

Please don’t “deform” my character…

That is not entrapment.

It is ridiculous however.