Mike's neverending Honduh Del Sol build. Not mobile friendly

Next up was creating a cardboard template for what will be the trunk floor. Yes, this will be a carpeted trunk area separated from the engine bay by a firewall.

getting the back edge to contour around the stamped back wall was tricky, but eventually I got a good tight fit.

Love it dude.

thanks man, she’s rolling along. My strategy of keeping the project strictly simple have helped out enormously and it shouldn’t take too much longer to finish. Synapse has the block and trans now. When they’re done with it I’ll hopefully have everything else done so that I can plug it in and go.

soo tired… It looks like I won’t have any more time to work on this until September. Hopefully I can send off some smaller components and drawings to other fabricators so I can have completed pieces to put on the car when I get done with what I’m doing down here.


this is serously awesome. heatersss

It will be awesome, I actually went way out of my way to drag it all the way down to Benning with me. I think I forgot to mention that before. But despite what my schedule was supposed to be, I have no time to step into my garage. I haven’t been at my house (or even indoors) in the last 2 weeks. :frowning:

this is so awesome :tup: please keep up with the updates. I hope to one day have the space/time/knowledge/$$ to do something like this :tup:

This is going to be incredible. I want it

picked up a mockup engine last weekend. Had a few issues actually picking it up though. lol

still playing with the wire brushes and paint to try to kick the rust of some of this stuff. Finally getting around to reassembling it.

New radiator
mounted upright
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Mafdark/2011-04-22/th_IMG_0233.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Mafdark/2011-04-22/th_IMG_0232.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Mafdark/2011-04-22/th_IMG_0231.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Mafdark/2011-04-22/th_IMG_0230.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Mafdark/2011-04-22/th_IMG_0229.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Mafdark/2011-04-22/th_IMG_0228.jpg


tilted at an angle:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Mafdark/2011-04-22/th_IMG_0251.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Mafdark/2011-04-22/th_IMG_0247.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Mafdark/2011-04-22/th_IMG_0246.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Mafdark/2011-04-22/th_IMG_0245.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Mafdark/2011-04-22/th_IMG_0244.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Mafdark/2011-04-22/th_IMG_0243.jpg

that was a boring update, so here’s a twofer

15 days left to work on this thing. :\

Good luck with whatever may lie ahead Mike. This will be here when you are back.

SRT4 conversion? :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool work.

Ya man, good luck. How long are you gone for? 14mo?


whats the SRT4 reference to?

2.5 months, 1 off, then 12 months. Honestly the first 2.5 months is gonna be the worst. I won’t be allowed to access phones, computers, etc. No outside contact.

new toy just came in the mail :slight_smile:

Just read everything from the beginning.

:tup: Great work, man.

Too bad you have to put the project on hold for a good while.