Military People (Navy) Please Step In...

I don’t think people in the Coast Guard have a big ego. They know they are just in the coast guard.

MEPs really isn’t that bad. A LOT of waiting. Worst part is spreading your cheeks for the CMO. Just a tad bit weird.

Puddle pirates lol


It’s a damn big puddle though!

That cartoon was pretty funny lol

i was fishing in lewiston right on the border @ the end of the robert moses at that one “marina” and literally all the coast guard was doing was going WOT in their boat back and forth, and then they would watch us. then they would leave going WOT again, then come back 4 min later and watch us. WTF do they do all day lol?

RIght up there with Border Patrol that parks by the water and watches all day.

How can you tell when a recruiter is lying? Check to see if his/her mouth is moving.

God I remember when I almost joined the Navy after high school to be a pilot. The recruiter told me all this stuff about how I would be flying in a few years and all this crap. My dad came with me the next day and the guy had a totally different story and sales pitch when my Dad started asking him questions that his Navy friends had told him. Pretty much anything he told me was a very diluted version of the truth.

I have debated going into the CG as a reserves.

Cartoon is awesome. lol

I think they always say stuff like that. Pretty much everyone I knew was told the same thing. Zack you remember janer, he was the only person I knew that actually scored high but purposely signed up for infantry because he wanted to go war and kill people. He was kinda strange though.

Either way, wish ya luck. Mad props for signing up.

I’ve submitted and resubmitted my medical for MEPS three times now…let’s see if I can finally get a date to go. Or DQ…whatever.

You know he got blown up right? Stepped on an IED made from one of our munitions. He’s lucky he’s still alive, he’s got some scarring on his scalp but otherwise is upright, and functioning from my vantage point. I saw him at a Veteran job fair downtown when I was grabbing at straws to quit the miserable job I was working. He is just as strange, bitter, resentful and jaded as he ever was, so I took it at face value that he’s still the same guy.

Meps is a hassle, it feels like everyone is working against themselves up there.

I made contact with the CPO at the recruiting office to speed up the process, should hear back on Monday.

how’d it turn out?

Still waiting. My recruiter was on vacation for a week so I contacted the CPO and he said he’d take care of it. Just waiting, I’m getting very good at waiting.

Yeah you’ll have that.

I sent you a PM with some information, didn’t want to clutter this up if its repeat info, did skim this thread pretty quickly. I’ll say this though, if the Coast Guard is as overmanned as the Navy, jobs might be hard to pick from. The review boards basically told 3000 people “thanks for serving here’s some buy out money, go home”, and that’s on the enlisted side.

Well, BigEd you were right.

Got a phone call today, retention rates are too high and they are cutting all across the board. No MEPs or applicants till further notice.

It was a nice dream while it lasted.