Military People (Navy) Please Step In...

Keep in mind your certification carries some great weight outside of NY. My best friend just took a job in Virginia, and will be making close to what I make now. Not trying to deter you from the Navy, just saying that it’s a solid backup option should you ever change your mind.

I’ll always have my degree. I just do not want to teach, I realized this sophomore year and decided to just suck it up, make the grades and finish my degree with the hope that maybe my mind would change, it didn’t.

The military is great.:tup: for wanting to go. My militiary career was cut short and i miss it very much.

You will have freind for life, travel to some fun places. Learn alot about yourself.

Agreed 100% While I am glad to be home and finished with my time active I look on it as a really positive experience that I am very proud of. Truly made me the man I am today and I gained a ton of great experience. There will be times you hate it too but those days just build character. :slight_smile:

:tup: to you. I would Nuke over the other two options.

So, I was dead set on the Navy. I had spoken with the right people, taken the right tests, but in the end realized that it wasn’t for me. The aviation program is overfilled right now, they don’t need pilots, and they don’t need flight officers. I did not want to do Nuclear Tech (being on a sub for 6 months…no thanks) and my only options besides that were SWO (Surface Warfare Officer). I looked into the Air Force briefly but the situation was the same.

That doesn’t end the story though…

I’ve contacted the USCG (Coast Guard) and submitted my officer package to them. I’m waiting on my medical release forms and college transcript :tup:


The Coast Guard is not the military. :squintnono:. Just playing around. Congrats, They coast guard has some great schools and some kick ass jobs. It is very tough to get into also with there low recruitment numbers.

^Being as I got into the Navy’s aviation program no problem, my recruiter doesn’t think it’ll be too much of an issue. Worst comes to worst, I enlist and then go to “A” school for my commission in a year.

I don’t know what the recruiter but do not enlist believing you can just up and grab a commission it is not that simple at all.

Find a good MOS while you can. The military right now is reminding me of the Clinton days even though we’re involved in several conflicts around the world.

swo = blah. avation rocks.

^Yeah I looked into it very extensively, unless I plan on doing 20 years, it’s very blah.

When I was in the USN, '99-'03, I had a friend enlist with a contract that guaranteed OCS. He had to fulfill a two year enlistment in good standing before be able to transfer. Not sure if that’s branch or rate/MOS specific. Hell, might not even be an option anymore.

^ It’s still the same, for Navy and Coast Guard at least. If I don’t get accepted for commission I enlist with a contract to attend either OCS or “A” school.

I also saw that and when it comes time to go to school your unit can deny it if you are needed to support the mission. Just so you know. I can not say enough how much better off you are IMO to just go in commissioned. If you are open to Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard given a little time someone will make it happen. Especially if you make that known to the recruiter it is the only option for you.

no 20yrs here, I can fly fixed wing and non fixed wings…

Have an interview with the Coast Guard on the 18th :tup:

If all goes well, I’ll have a date for MEPs soon.

Good luck

Good luck. I have been debating jumping into the Coast Guard Reserves as an officer but haven’t made it past the initial information packet.