minimum wage increase

Each seat would have its own set of “value and production” performance markers. A dude mixing concrete vs a dude crunching code for a life support system on a NASA shuttle cant be compared, naturally.

Like you said its a safety net. Which is the problem. Its like a dude trying a backflip on a dirtbike for the first time on a ramp to dirt VS the guy doing it into a foam pit. Step up your game and you dont need a safety net.

I talked about this at dinner with my wife yesterday. She manages a healthcare company, and the nurses aids, most of the LPN’s, and some of the RN’s are constant problems. Not showing up to a patients house, ignoring calls from schedulers asking where they are, then coming up with a blatant lie of an excuse, constantly need rides to and from home and patients houses because they don’t have reliable transportation. LONG list of scary shit my wife has to deal with daily because of half-ass’d employee’s, these people are helping keep people alive for fucks sake!

The aids are mostly fresh out of school, highschool, and don’t need any college experience. 9-10 are flakes and constant problems. They typical behavior you all assume they do, is true. But the stupid company won’t fire them and look for anyone better, why, because they don’t want to pay for the better employee. LPN’s are the next step up, and have minimum formal education, but at least a cert, yet still most of them don’t give a shit and do half ass work. Even RN’s, with licenses and degrees are far from perfect. These people fuck up VERY badly, and should be fired on the spot, but aren’t… then they do it again, and again, because they know they won’t be fired. Why, again, because once again the company doesn’t want to pay for better employees.

My solution. Carry a big stick. You fuck up, you’re fired. Make the employees raise THEIR bar for THEMSELVES, and reward them when they do. The rest can fuck right off. They wont last at my company. If they finally realize they aren’t cutting it and get better, then they might get a job back. Good companies will realize that money spent on good employees will yield better results and a better final product. Making your company better, and allowing you to continue the cycle, hiring better employees, and rewarding them for their better production. It’s a cycle, spin it one way and it goes forward… spin it the other way and it goes backwards, and will never cross the finishline.