minimum wage increase

My brother had a seasonal job at BJ’s that turned into a regular part time job while he was in high school. They hired several of the seasonal employees like that.

you want a job to do with car. Apply at hoffmans car wash. They hire all sorts of retards

This is pretty much related to the theme of this thread. I’ve been in management for a number of years and there is one thing that has been pretty constant, and drives me crazy……
It’s the employee’s that just don’t get it….They wonder why so and so seems to get preferential treatment (time off, desirable days off, etc). They never notice that so and so comes in when asked on their day off, is generally available for OT, and has a caring attitude about their job. And really from a boss’s perspective…That’s the main thing…Act like you care about your job!

Whats your facebook profile look like?

So many young people have their profiles public, or do a halfass attempt at hiding stuff like their wall, but forget to check the box for private on the album of them showing off the bottle of Vodka their older brother bought them.

Especially when those places are generally manged by younger people too. You know damn well they will pull you up on facebook the minute they look at your app. Hell I know HR people that hire people into careers even troll people online prior to thinking of giving them a call back.

If you’re 17 just be happy you have a job. When I was 17 I too worked at McDonald’s and then at a car dealership as a detailer. Your problem is you seem to expect that you’re going to earn a lot of money as a kid, which you’re not.

I disagree with the entire concept of a minimum wage. It gives people a false sense of self worth which contributes to the “I deserve everything I want” society that we now have. Go to Arby’s right now and you will see people working that are worth $8-10/hour, and you will also see people who if they were paid by their production and true value would be lucky to get $2.

If pay was based on production and true values, CEO’s would be broke.

Minimum wage has nothing to do with people being lazy, not appreciating their job or not working hard, it’s a safety net to allow to people to survive and stay out of poverty. I’ve seen some very hard working people work for minimum wage and I’ve seen bums, however lazy bums are much rarer as at any job that hires you for minimum wage, typically hires you for physical ability and not mental and expects every dollar out of you and work every minute.

I’m not sure what the poverty line is now, but at ~$14/15K (what it is now) - minus taxes a year working full time on minimum wage, you’re pretty damn close to it.

So let me get it together…

People complain when people are on government assistance and also complain when they get more money to maybe get off government assistance.

There is no compassion anymore

I hope the world ends soon…

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The problem is that when the minimum wage increases the prices of goods and services usually goes up to compensate for having to pay workers more and the wage increases usually arent across the board, therefore those goods and services are more expensive for those of us making more than minimum wage.

I dont see myself getting a $1.25 an hour pay increase when the minimum wage goes up. Luckily Im making decent money these days and got over a $4 an hour pay increase by getting a new job.

i havent posted any dumb shit like that. mainly because im friends by force with my girlfriends parents.

True story. :lurk

Each seat would have its own set of “value and production” performance markers. A dude mixing concrete vs a dude crunching code for a life support system on a NASA shuttle cant be compared, naturally.

Like you said its a safety net. Which is the problem. Its like a dude trying a backflip on a dirtbike for the first time on a ramp to dirt VS the guy doing it into a foam pit. Step up your game and you dont need a safety net.

I talked about this at dinner with my wife yesterday. She manages a healthcare company, and the nurses aids, most of the LPN’s, and some of the RN’s are constant problems. Not showing up to a patients house, ignoring calls from schedulers asking where they are, then coming up with a blatant lie of an excuse, constantly need rides to and from home and patients houses because they don’t have reliable transportation. LONG list of scary shit my wife has to deal with daily because of half-ass’d employee’s, these people are helping keep people alive for fucks sake!

The aids are mostly fresh out of school, highschool, and don’t need any college experience. 9-10 are flakes and constant problems. They typical behavior you all assume they do, is true. But the stupid company won’t fire them and look for anyone better, why, because they don’t want to pay for the better employee. LPN’s are the next step up, and have minimum formal education, but at least a cert, yet still most of them don’t give a shit and do half ass work. Even RN’s, with licenses and degrees are far from perfect. These people fuck up VERY badly, and should be fired on the spot, but aren’t… then they do it again, and again, because they know they won’t be fired. Why, again, because once again the company doesn’t want to pay for better employees.

My solution. Carry a big stick. You fuck up, you’re fired. Make the employees raise THEIR bar for THEMSELVES, and reward them when they do. The rest can fuck right off. They wont last at my company. If they finally realize they aren’t cutting it and get better, then they might get a job back. Good companies will realize that money spent on good employees will yield better results and a better final product. Making your company better, and allowing you to continue the cycle, hiring better employees, and rewarding them for their better production. It’s a cycle, spin it one way and it goes forward… spin it the other way and it goes backwards, and will never cross the finishline.

I think you’re missing the point where the minimum wage “saety net”, WORKING full time pays less than than unemployment AKA NOT WORKING safety net. Lazy bums who get hired at a nicer job will get paid more to sit at home than many hard working minimum wage workers that you meet/see daily in your travels.

I wanna live in whatever world you’re living in, where people are rewarded or punished depending on their effort/care and results in a big company.

Not everyone gets $405 a week from unemployment. IRC its based on your previous income level.

$290 a week gross from 40hrs at min.
$340 a week gross from 40hrs at NEW min.

Think back to the “best place” you worked for. How was it run, and why was it the “best place”. Also, why did you leave?

%50 of your previous wage, up to $405 max.

You would have to make 17$ an hr, and qualify for unemployment, to make the same as someone working at the new unemployment rate.

$17/hr is a decent job.

if you already made minimum wage, unemployment would only pay you 145 a week. Fuck that shit, GET YOUR ASS BACK TO WORK!

so someones choice is either unemployment after holding a decent job, or working a full week at minimum wage. So that poor dude that got let go from making $17/hr, has to go find a job slightly above the new min wage, to make more than unemployment would pay him. Sounds like initiative to me IMO.

You cant make LESS than unemployment would pay you, for the same job/wage you are already making. Income tax isnt higher than %50 (what %Unemployment us based on). So by design its doing exactly what I said. Its making you want to work, and find a better job.

What’s your point? Unemployment is by far a bigger safety net and the fact that it will pay out people more due to their previous work FOR SITTING than people working full time get paid and are expected to survive an are called entitled it is a major problem.

If I had a dollar for every person that “couldn’t find a job” when they are unemployed when in reality they refused to take a lesser job, which makes sense in a tough economy, and would rather collect unemployment.

Unemployment should pay out MAX below a full time job making minimum wage, see how many people sit around then, as you’re about to lose your house and car.

Ok so by your super stop the lazy americans plan.

I spent 13 year in the Army left making 60k a year I should have went to minimum wage job or less on unemployment. Then have to default on my home, car, and have my credit destroyed.

I did not deserve to be on unemployment for 8 months while I searched for a job that I was god damn “entitled” to.

Do you really believe that is right to do?

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That’s a very reasonably healthy salary for a long amount of time.

Did you have anything saved up in case of an emergency such as unemployment or any other expecting life events? You know - rainy day money enough to cover on average 6 months of your bills? Very reasonable to have ~10k in the bank through that time.

If not you lived above your means and overextended yourself. As even $400 a week was unlikely to cover that.

Can you honestly tell me it took you 40 hours a week, 5 days a week for 8 months of searching to find the job? If not, then why not? You could have worked while looking, which is what many people do. What greater motivator could you possibly have had to find a good job than working a crappy one for a week to get paid next to nothing compared to what you used to?

I don’t see you justification at all. It’s ok for others to work for less than you get paid for not working as you’re looking for a job as most likely they are too because you lived above the means you can support if shit hit the fan?

No one is ENTITLED to a job

I had more then enough saved up. But that money was for moving and a down payment on a new house if I had to move for a job. Also I lived in Pennsylvania. So I used it to move and buy a home in NY. That shit is not cheap or free.

If your plan works you should quit your job and try it out for a year.

I say you go to Iraq for two and half years then tell me you don’t deserve 8 months to look for a proper well paying job.

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So for your job skills you are not entitled to the pay you recieve?

Go to work Monday and tell them to pay you less.

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