Minor accident

Ya, so driving home from work I get in a small fender bender. Never had this happen before. Hit the lady from behind. Didn’t do much to my bumper… bent my license plate just a little. Her back bumper wasn’t dented at all, the paint was messed up a little. Switched info and the whole thing. I guess her insurance company needs a police report to file a claim so she ended up doing that after she left and called me to let me know that she had to do it for the insurance company.

She said she felt perfectly fine. God if she tried to pull a “ow my neck” i’m going to be pissed.

All I did was look down to change the trtack on my cd and I look up and there is her car stopped half way through the intersection.


Sucks to hear that bro, I had someone hit me from behind last year. Luckily I had the trailer hitch on the ol’ truck, so her grill got jacked, and I got a nice red coating for my hitch.


Irony owns you. Sucks though.

well idk it happens to everyone… last year i was driving my parents truck,
looked at a skatespot for just a second, and some P.O.S. slowed down to like 20 in a 45… went right into the back of her.

You said it best… lol

Basically what happened here.

lol, i’d be curious sto know whn I said that.


Just gotta learn to miss those cars now. :wink:

In all seriousness, it happens to everyone. Sucks but it easily could have been worse. Or as Jack said.

I had a similar accident…
Was driving down sheridan… the light at NFB was green for 30 seconds… I was rolling @ around 30 in N… I look at something… look back in front of me and there’s an SUV sitting there @ the light… WHACK… Mine wasn’t a fender bender…

As a note… Make sure you report it to your insurance… MY gf is gettign sued by someone claiming $500,000 in medical damages because she knocked off a mirror of a car… and she’s not even 100% sure that the person was in the car. PPl have 3 years to file… and if they do… and you didn’t claim it… you insurance will represent you but not pay out. Luckily for my GF she claimed… who knows if the insurance company will have to pay though.


But what should I say to them?

There isn’t enough damage that I want to go through insurance companies to get it repaired and all that.

i cant wait for someone ot run into the back of me

That sucks man!

Ya… first one ever. :frowning:

:tdown: but at least its just minor damage

bwaaaaahahaha … janny’s curb thread FTW

lol, ya

Well, the lady filed her claim and listed that she wasn’t injured. :tup: for that. Now they are getting estimates and my insurance will pay for whatever it comes to. When the lady from State Farm told me that the lady that was in the other car was listed as not injured I said out loud… “good she didn’t change her mind”.

Does anyone here float on the same boat as me saying that she can’t turn around and try somethign 2 years down the road. Cause I believe she can file an injury within 3 years of the accident.

I worried about that for 3 years when I got in my accident. June 21st 2005 I threw a party because its was the 3 year anniversary!

Good idea. April 11th 2009… party!!!

ehh, if it was just a minor accident like that, i’d just swing her cash, and avoid all insurance headaches.

Well I don’t know about you but I don’t have that kind of cash sitting around.

i’ve been on both ends of that accident before. it sucks. she sounds like a decent and honest person though so i dont really think she’ll file an injury claim.