MNF v. F the Pats

yes i agree the QB wants a TD every drive… but like stealtth said there is a proper way to conduct urself during an interview and not be a total jackass to the reporters.

and to Mr. Scott… u get the penalty of the year award… that was well worth the 30 yards

…which brings us back to the first post of how the whole team is a bunch of arrogant, robotic players. The Cowboy’s are the same way with being arrogant… but that’s just their personality… they’re assholes. The Pats seems to have the answers before the question is asked.

Ravens: The fix was in for Patriots

December 4, 2007 12:22 AM

Posted by’s Mike Sando from Baltimore

Just returned from the Ravens’ locker room. Those guys are ticked off. They said the league wants the Patriots to win, to the point that officials make calls favoring New England with the game on the line. They said Tom Brady sells tickets for the league, so the league wants Brady and the Patriots to stay unbeaten. I’ll start posting the direct quotes momentarily. Refresh the blog periodically and you’ll see them as they post.

Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs on officiating: “Everybody is kind of cheering for them to go undefeated and break all the records. They called them the greatest offense on earth. So who knows? … They made one more play than us and they got a little help.”

Suggs on the timeout attributed to the Ravens, which gave New England another chance on fourth down aver Baltimore appeared to stop Tom Brady short on a sneak: “You only get a few times to really get the NFL’s poster boy in that type of situation. I don’t know. It looked like all 22 men on the field played as if no timeout was called. But if it was called, it was called. I don’t get inot that part of the game. I just do my job.”

Suggs on officiating: “It’s kind of the feeling of the 2001 tuck rule. It kind of feels like the tuck rule. That is the NFL for you, man. When they got a guy like that that is selling a lot of tickets, you want to keep him selling tickets”

Ravens linebacker Bart Scott on the timeout: “I didn’t hear a timeout. That was very convenient.”

Scott: “We outplayed them, plain and simple. We punched them in the mouth on both sides of the ball.”

Ravens receiver Derrick Mason: “Allow the players to dictate how the game is going to go, especially the last couple of seconds. It’s kind of like basketball. There’s three seconds on the clock. Let the guys play. The best team is going to win. You don’t let outside circumstances dictate how the game is going to go. It’s hard to play against the best team in the NFL and beat them. You are out there and working hard. You are playing against them and then also you have the other guys and it seems you are playing against them, also.”

More from Mason on officiating: “I’m going to take it back to last game. San DIego. Quinn Sypniewski runs down the field, runs into one of their DBs, we catch the ball and they call offensive pass interference. OK. Great. This game, same things happens. Randy Moss runs right into Samari Rolle. They call defensive pass interference. I don’t understand that. One game it’s called one way, the next game it’s called another way. At the end, you have a phantom call. That’s why it’s hard to play and win a game when you are playing against more than just the best team in the NFL.”

More from Mason on how hard it is to beat the Patriots: “It’s kind of like that old Bulls team when they were running the tables. You were playing against Jordan, Pippen and the bunch and it was hard to beat them because everyone was on their side. That’s the way it is now. You’ve got Brady and the bunch. It’s hard to beat them when you’re playing against them and extra people.”

Mason on whether the refs can get caught up in talk of an undefeated season: “I think everybody can get caught up. You should have heard some of the verbal blasts we were taking from the refs. It was just despicable. They don’t want us to say anything to them, but they treat us like we’re little kids out there, saying anything they want to say. As players, we can’t say anything back. We can’t report it to anybody because it’s our word against theirs. But you have to give it up to New England. They did what they had to do. They scored at the end and that’s all you can ask of a team.”

Ravens cornerback Chris McAlister on whether the NFL wants the Patriots to win: “They get a lot of calls. I’ll say that. We’ve been watching film on them all week and I mean, they do get a lot of calls. As far as the NFL wanting them to win, you can’t totally not think about it in those terms.”

Ravens running back Willis McGahee: “I felt like we played our hearts out tonight and got some bogus calls, but it is what it is.”

McGahee on which calls bothered him the most: “Shhh. Pass interference, the holding on (Jamaine) Winborne. There was a lot. I can’t even remember them all.”

Ravens coach Brian Billick spoke with reporters for only about a minute after the game. Asked why the Ravens called timeout before stuffing Brady on fourth down, Billick said, “We didn’t feel like we were in the right configuration, kind of knew what they were going to do and felt like we needed a better call, I guess.” It wasn’t clear what he meant. Asked which person called the timeout, Billick said, “We called the timeout.” Asked if the calls just didn’t seem to go the Ravens’ way late in the game, Billick said, “Yeah, evidently not.”

Asked about what he said to Scott about tossing an official’s flag into the stands, Billick said, “You’ve gotta be smarter than that. Can’t be a dumb football player.”

I’ll leave you with a comment overheard from a veteran player: “You might as well crown them the Super Bowl champs if it’s going to be like that.”


That Tom Brady presser was HILARIOUS! :lol:

"You guys said two more questions, I’M OUT! "



Would it be stupid to throw some cash on the opposing team for the super bowl?


:tup: to the Pats winning. I dont know why so many people hate them. This is more than likely a once in a lifetime chance at seeing one of the greatest teams to play the game- yeah they had 2 close games, but this team finds a way to win when it needs to.

p.s.- im not a Pats fan.

So half of the Ravens bitching about the officials thought the timeout was bogus huh? They might want to check the tape where the timeout was clearly called from the sidelines.

I did think the Pats are getting some help, but it’s from the deal with Satan that Belichick made. 4th and one, they get stuffed, and some sidelines coach called a timeout? Yeah, that’s THE DEVIL! :slight_smile:

Go Pats!!!

We were having this discussion yesterday at work.

Which do you think is more likely:
Pats 16-0
Miami 0-16

My vote is for Miami 0-16 because after the last two Pats games I think the Steelers have an honest shot at beating them.

But it would be pretty ironic if the Pats take Miami’s record in the same year Miami goes 0-16. Talk about kicking a guy when he’s down.

i would like to see both 16-0 and 0-16 but unlikely to happend…as far as the Pats 16-0…if they dont fix some of their issues Pittsburg will def give them a run…but as arrogant or whatever as they may be winners find a way to win and thats what they did last night…I am not a Brady fan but he stayed cooled and collected at the end of the game much like Elway used to with all those come form behind last minute wins

Steelers over Pats. I cannot wait.


Steelers over Pats. I cannot wait.


talk about a dilema I HATE HATE HATE the steelers. That 3-0 win the other night was pathetic… But I really do not want the patriots to win either.


talk about a dilema I HATE HATE HATE the steelers. That 3-0 win the other night was pathetic… But I really do not want the patriots to win either.


you did see those conditions correct?


you did see those conditions correct?


yeah but thats not the reason i hate the steelers. That was just recent memory of how they are pissing me off.

The NFL is fixed.
You might as well watch wrestling or NASCAR.


sorry walter, still not gonna make me respect them :stuck_out_tongue: i still wanna see how many “patriots fans” were really fans of them before the superbowl years, funny how you never seen any back then but now they are all over the place…


I was. Just like I was a redsox fan.

:shrug: Doesn’t bother me. They are not nearly the magnitude of a bandwagon starter as some teams :cough:steelers:cough:. Probably has something to do with a solid history over recent years though.


who knows what harrison said to him? Most likely it was something really classy. Getting in a coaches face is a no no.



It was a comparison of Blilick and Belichick.


he was extremely arrogant. His answers were all cocky, not much praise for the ravens, just well we should have done this better. “our offense needs to score more” He mentioned that he was really upset that their first drive only ended in a field goal…Then when he felt like he was done answering questions, hes like " you guys said a few questions, i’m outta here" and ran away from the press.

I picture Manning in this press conference and I would feel happy for him. With Brady I was hoping someone would crush him hard in the next game.


So? They are there to win games, who cares about the other team :rolljerk: You can sure as shit bet there would have been a bunch of retarded comments coming from the Ravens had they won.

And why wouldn’t Brady speak like that? Aside from Willis and a few early pass rushes, no one on the Ravens team did anything all that notable. The Patriots did not play a patriots caliber game. Why wouldn’t he be upset that he had two TD passes dropped on the first drive, and that they didn’t get a TD with 1st and goal?

Besides, part of being on top means everyone hates you. They aren’t there to make everyone love them, that’s the Colt’s job.


and to Mr. Scott… u get the penalty of the year award… that was well worth the 30 yards



Ravens linebacker Bart Scott on the timeout: “I didn’t hear a timeout. That was very convenient.”

Wow, that is a retarded statement. You can clearly see it in the video. What a moran.