Modern Warfare 2 Trailer, Official

yes. amazing.

Just a little over a month away…

I’ll be at Metallica the 10th… and gaming from the time I get home until I have to go to work on the 12th.

Those of us planning on playing this for PC have to wait until the 24th to get it. Today there was a 2 week delay announced. All other platforms will be out 11/10/09

I took a week off of work

I can’t wait. Im up for a lan game when this bitch comes out.

I took off the 10th and 11th from work. I figure pick it up at midnight and then play through the days.



I was 2 seconds from pre-ordering it @ GameStop online. Where was this announced?

“Activision has so far not confirmed or denied the report.”

Nothing on the activision site, and nothing on the site linked by the OP. Infinityward is actually allowing PreOrder for the 11-10-09 release for the PC.

I’m pretty sure the PC release has always been after the consoles. And there is another new tailor out.

PC Version of MW2 Delayed

As far as PC being released after the consoles. It happens but it’s not par for the course. In this case they were all supposed to be released on 11/10/09.

Also here’s a bunch of gameplay vids of MW2

I’ve read about it on about 10 pages… none of which have any solid evidence.

If InfinityWard and Acvitvision aren’t posting it, I don’t believe it.

Not saying you’re wrong, just saying I haven’t read it from a credible source yet.

oh well. 2 weeks. Big deal. Itll look better for the PC anyway, so the wait will most likely be worth it.

I won a free copy of this (once released) at a LAN with my TF2 team.

I don’t plan on playing it. If anyone is looking to get one on the cheaps let me know

EDIT- PC version

If you’re getting it on the 10th, I’ll pick it up on the 11th.
Let me know. My number is in my location.

just fyi, I’m in rochester, but i’ll let ya know


forget it :slight_smile:

BTW - once the girls are ready, I’ll get them to come over to Cyberstorm… I’ll let you know when

IMO I think its a great place, better than 51 used to be. The premium room is fucking baller.

Not sure if the new Trailer was posted yet.

Looks like this one takes place in the USA as the end shows a battle torn washington DC.

I cant wait.


Ok well it’s official. From Rob Bowling’s interview there is no delay for the pc version of the game. However as far as the pc game goes everybody will be disappointed. They are making it identical to the console game. No more dedicated servers. Just matchmaking and private matchs. This is the biggest mistake that they could have ever made with this game.

Here is the whole webcast PC related stuff starting at 1:40:00

As well as a overview on

Black Saturday?

A day of infamy?

It’s hard, very hard, for me to write objectively right now, but here is a summary of what we heard on BASH 123. If you missed it…we will have it on demand in a few minutes.

The raw version of BASH 123 can be found here temporarily.

Fourzerotwo was on our BASH webcast this morning and he had a few surprises for the PC community.

Here are the snippets:

*We’re doing a lot on the backend to make the game accessible for everyone.

*There is no delay for the PC version of MW2

*There’s prestige mode

*Jason West at the MP event, said that he was dead on, on the matchmaking servers. We’ve been building a system on the backend called IW.NET.

*You are completely reliant on IW.NET. There are no server lists. There are no dedicated servers.

*You have private matches where you can customize the game

*You cannot put MW2 on a dedicated server.

  • This is the first time we’ve ever done something like this and the team has huge plans for what IW.NET develops into.

*Customizing your game…you have quite a few options in a private match

*You’re getting same game (as in Console), plus matchmaking and private match.

*Server admin point-of view, NO DEDICATED SERVERS

I’ve summarized some of my own thoughts from the cast here:


  • IW partnering through Steam is what you will see in the future. Matchmaking is not through Steam, but IW.NET is run in conjunction with Steam.
  • GSP’s will no longer be renting out servers.
  • No PunkBuster. VAC will be used as an anti cheat.
  • Retail distribution: Pre-orders will get a disk. Or you could order from Steam.
  • DLC may now need to be paid for - not confirmed.
  • Piracy was only a small reason for going to IW.NET - not the whole reason.


  • No more clan servers. Private matches, replace clan servers.
  • Listen servers will connect to each other.
  • IW.NET/Steam will replace the admin

Competitive Gaming

  • Competitive gaming has changed forever.
  • It might be possible in the future for IW engineers to load a “competitive” setting on IW.NET, but it is far from a guarantee. It might also never happen.


  • Modding the game is now very much in question. Fourzerotwo had no info on modding. However, it appears that there will be no mods or maps for MW2.
  • Modding in SpecOps? Unknown.

Today our game has changed for ever.

I’ll leave this post with Peckler’s comments from

The server community is what’s made us. It’s what defined us.

IW.NET is getting the PC community to turn into consoles. You’re trying to re-write our history.