Modern Warfare 2 Trailer, Official

matchmaking works great at first…until you want to find a specific dedicated server all the time or the game starts to thin out on players.

Matchmaking only works in consoles. It has been tried and tried again for PC and it is a complete failure. IW basically gave a big F U to pc gamers.


What a joke.

They just ruined it. I’ll sell mine for an even cheaper price now lol. F that shit

Modern Warefare 2 Deals

Wal-Mart $59.99 + $20 egiftcard

if you use bing cashback you can get an additional $5.98 back as has %10 cashback right now

Amazon $59.99 + $15 videogame credit

Thanks for the heads up greenbull.

If I understand this correctly, if I’m having a lan party at my house… I’ll have to hit the net, as will everyone else, and then we’ll be able to have a private party?

My only console LAN experience was with GOW, and we didn’t have any problems… but I don’t remember what we had to do.

There is a few reasons I play FPS on PC… and they just removed one :frowning:

The game is an effing waste. Pick up borderlands and enjoy a FPS the way it should be :tup:

i’m acutally holding out to see if Toys R Us does another $20 giftcard deal with this game. Then i’ll use the one from that shitacular ODST and make a better deal.

Even tho IW is not giving matchmaking to PC gamers or releasing the map pack to PS3 gamers right away, I still am gonna pick this up at midnight on the 10th.

Anyone know places that will stock it and open at 12am that day to grab it?

↑4 just throw down the 5 dollar deposit and get it that night.

Wal-Mart lol.

I just reserved my copy at Blockbuster. They are staying open past midnight on Tuesday and there won’t be as many people in line as the big stores.

You think Walmart will really have a line at midnight?

looks absolutly amazing…I think now is a good time to get that red ring of death fixed

3rd Party Gameplay feature leaked too!

This is gonna be great.

3rd party gameplay? Im not sure what you mean by that.

ugh…want this already!

3rd person. Sorry

oh thats different… I hope they don’t try to make it like queers of war

face palm