Modern Warfare 2 Trailer, Official

Its supposed to be an unlock feature I guess. Similar to the Zombies in WaW. The game will still be like MW + more awesomeness based on everything I have watched.

Yea really lol. Ship to store and then buy some more crap with the $20.

I’m hoping to sell my DJ equipment so I can get the Limited Edition Xbox. Haven’t played since I sold my last Xbox last year. I miss it and this game is going to be insane.

if anyone is interested in the prestiege edition let me know, im on the fence about keeping it or selling it to the highest bidder and get the plain ol game.

I liked gears of war, great series, carnage with a chainsaw gun is fun.

Probably will end up picking this up.

Interested… how much are you looking to get?

I take it you have it for a console?

Anyone know of anywhere still taking pre orders for the limited edition xbox? I’d like a place that will be open at midnight.

Anyone else see the new trailer on Spike tonight? I think it was a new one. I want this game to come out already.

This one?

They played it during the Yankees game tonight too.

I had a couple people on my friends list that were playing it. They said it was F’in insane!

probably no less that 300… just testing the waters. yes this is for 360

Is anyone else getting the Limited edition xbox? Where is everyone picking theres up at?

The PC version of this game looks like it’s getting the shaft. :frowning:

Missed it during the Yankee game but holy shit I am fired up.

Ill be going to best buy on monday at like 9pm on transit with my chair and laptop to hang out so I know i’m going to get my Limited Edition xbox. You can’t beat the price on it and its looks f***ing sick. Anyone else going to this location?

Aren’t they $150?

correct but they cut off sales months ago. Its really not that absurd when dudes were selling the WOW collecters editions for thousands.

Very true.

no dedi servers means no me. i don’t need to deal with newbs and usch. i like finding a good server and then sticking to it with a decent group of reg’s. No noob tubes/marty/last stand hardcore goodness. ugh IW ruined it.

So why don’t you just find a bunch of friends on there and take down the others?