Modern Warfare 2 Trailer, Official

because you don’t get to know regulars in one sitting. it happens over time. which is how gaming communities and clans are formed. Ah well modern warfare it is i guess.

I havent played it in over a year but i know alot of my buddies still play and we will be playing like every night

1 more day people. Can’t fucking wait.

Im calling off work Tuesday to play all night.

my xbox got banned LOL! no worries i’m rich beeyatch! got a new one already un modded though :frowning:

always wanted to spacewalk.

wow PC game is really getting the shaft, they basically took away all advantages to PC gaming (besides keyboard/mouse).

And the ability to not kick people is totally retarded, cheating/glitching is the biggest problem among PC games.
this made lol:

Matchmaking only works in the beginning of a games life, when there are tons of players playing. In order for a game to survive and keep going, a server list is pretty much the only answer. Other wise if your like me, you get fed up with “finding match, found match” then its doesn’t work so it goes back to “finding match”.

Maybe that’s why I like killzone 2.

If it weren’t for that fact that I got my consoles “handed” to me basically, I would have saved up and built a kick ass PC…this one is a bit dated now. 6800 128mb AGP card was what I put in it back in the day, ABIT NF7 still holding up.

Anyone on PS3 and getting this at midnight hit me up. Took off Tuesday and Wednesday just for this.

getting it for 360 at midnight tonight, patcat89 is my gt send an invite if anyone wants to play tonight

Just an FYI I think that game stop is going to start handing out numbers at 8pm.

Gamestop in NF is already giving copies.

ugh i preordered at the worng place :frowning:

lol rob…we need to get online play going again…

because we all remember the hilarity that comes out of that.

Anyone preorder it at GameStop on Niagara Falls Blvd?


They don’t want to be open at midnight and end up getting robbed

nah, Gamestop is taking it into their own hands to go head to head against other retailers that release games early.

Well Ill be at best buy on transit at 10 to wait.

Completely false. IW gave the green light to all Northeastern Gamestops on sunday to start selling copies. They claim they were doing it to stop the mom and pop shops from doing it. Doesnt make much sense. But I read about that yesterday.

So are there any confirmed locations that I can get it from right now?