Modern Warfare 2 Trailer, Official

ok they just released a new article. lol Activision did not ok the pre-release. Game stop did it on their own.

“This past weekend, GameStop made the decision to break street date and sell reserved copies of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in select markets where other retailers had broken street date,” said Chris Olivera, GameStop’s vice president for corporate communications. “Our decision followed many conversations with Activision and was an effort to protect our customer base.”

I did not stop into any myself. But I was told that copies were seen in a Cheektowaga gamestop. I think theres one next to tops by walmart. But who knows.

I just called the University Plaza gamestop and was told that they were waiting until midnight and that there were already people tailgating in the parking lot.

Our “gaming clan” have pubbed for this game for a long time now. But we have all gotten really disgusted with the way IW has shafted us PC users. So we all cancelled our pre-orders. We’re just gonna wait until march for Bad Comapny 2. There is no way is going to work for hardcore PC gamers. It just won’t work. Hopefully IW will stick to the consolers from here on out.


LOL. Yea i don’t make shit up. A good friend manages the Gamestop on Union. He said that Gamestop is pissed that other chain retailers release games early(gamecrazy, target). IW really has no say in the game release. Activision would be the group that would/could make that call.

You will show them!

teamdulski on PSN

Getting this at midnight…hopefully. Any chance of the gamestops selling out? Is the wal-mart on the blvd selling at midnight? I read wally world is giving autographed covers to the 1st twenty people…which are probably already there if they are.

Yea because that’s out goal… lol There’s gotta be at least 150,000 pc gamers worldwide who won’t buy this. That’s $9,000,000 Probably not even 1/8th of what it will make but eh whatever. For the 150,000 who don’t buy it there’s 2 million that will. It’s all about the $$. IW/Activision wins. PC loses.


man i feel like a loser. im going to go pay off my copy and wait at the store till 12 :(… ill be at the gamestop at the mckinley mall

I loved 1 and just got a chance to check out the trailers and as expected, this looks pretty BA

Went into blockbuster at 12 and left at 1205 with my copy. Will be playing all night and took off till Thursday. Boxxakid on Playstation Network.

I went to bloksuckster at12 and got mine with 4 people in line and also rented a copy to keep for my nephew. i feel sorry for the 200+ people at gamestop by the mck mall.

PC gamers are such elitists! Enjoy not having fun dude!

Before the game came out I was having my doubts about it, but after playing it I can say it’s pretty awesome. AC130s are so brutal :lol:

$20 Toys R Us gift card woot woot

I didn’t get a gift card from Walmart?

I could have hada console version on Friday… its all in who you know.

No offense Darksyde, but your sources really, really suck. Just buy a damn copy and give it a try. I’m struggling with some steam-y bullshit right now.

Yea my sources dont suck. They are reputable but alot of false stories were run and apologized for. As for getting the game I’m not. At least not for PC not now. When I see how well gameplay is for people in the states to play with people in other countries i’ll give it a shot. Not any fun if ya can’t play the game with the guys you been gaming with for yrs. Don’t get me wrong the game looks awesome. I’m not excited to use steam however. I may just pick it up for ps3.

I’d rather play cod1 on pc. still the best online mp pc game ever made.

So wtf is with this level where you go into a airport and start wasting people :lol: