Modern Warfare 2

i watched a guy doing it, he had the perk that let you change classes when ever. He was tubing, changing his class to the same class and it would restock his ammo. Theres probably another glitch for it but thats what this kid told us he was doing.

The Jav glitch is fixed supposedly, that + danger close was hilarious when there are a bunch of people around.

Theres a knife glitch too, you get an airdrop, equipt the canister and you can run 2x as fast as you do with lightwieght, you can still knife people with the canister… its anouying as fuck when they have commando on and knife you from 15ft away.

I cant stand hardcore at all anymore. in WAW i loved it, this game drives me nuts dying all the time. Spawns are still shit too.