Modified family sedan driver approaches exotic owner at gas station...

Perhaps only because I had a few to many drinks earlier at happy hour, and now logging in to check what’s going on in the Cap Region car scene do I even think to ask such a question, but what’s the deal with modified family sedans or coupe owners rolling up to you and your exotic (usually at gas stations) just to tell you that their car is faster?

I won’t argue, and maybe the Civic with an alleged 900hp will smoke a Gallardo or 458 in the quarter mile, but why would someone take the time to pull over, roll down their window, just to tell you their car is faster? Private jet owners don’t land on the Northway to tell people they can make it to Vegas from Albany faster than the 1,200hp Supra can get to Long Island, so wtf?

Also, why is it assumed by many that exotics are only built to be the fastest cars only in a straight line (not the case) and not pieces of performance automobile art - crafted from the finest materials with the most advanced technology known to exist?

FWIW-if I saw you at a gas station, I would talk to you and treat you like a fellow auto enthusiast. If I got an attitude or lack of respect for my car (Evo), I would quickly point out that my shit would make yours look like a stock “family sedan” on the highway.


Reps on me.

well I have never done anything like that.

but I can tell you from personal experience that 2 years ago when I pulled into a gas station to get gas, a ferarri F430 pulled in right behind me. I was just looking at his car while pumping and he gets out and laughs at me shaking his head. This kind of made me mad. When I was done, I started my car and his back was towards me. He jumped, and almost fell over from the bark of starting it. I let it idle down for a second (had a big cam in it) and now instead of shaking his head and laughing, he is staring.

I drove away laughing in the end.

thats the only encounter with a exotic I had that was bad…and it was just a asshole owner.

PJB over and out.

Unfortunately this is the case more times than not and it usually ends up with an embarrassed exotic owner.

What do you drive?

more info , too much is being withheld.

I would ignore them, start it up, drive away and try this:

Last time I had any interaction with an exotic driver they approached me at a gas station to tell me that one of their first cars ever was an SC300 and they still to this day missed it. He then proceed to get revved at by a WRX will fueling up across from me and we both just kind of face-palmed

True cool story bro.

The one thing I have noticed with Exotic car owners (as well as Vette owners), is that they usually don’t drive their cars very much. It’s not unusual to see 6-7 year old cars with less than 10,000 miles on them. Another thing I have noticed from doing some track days and some open road racing events is that when they do drive them, they are afraid to drive them even close to their limits. Seems kind of a waste to have all of that car, and not use it…

I think OP should just ignore them. They did it mostly to justify their existance and justify why they don’t have or be able to afford a exotic car by telling you that why they don’t need one.

That would be like walking up to a guy and telling him that they don’t need to marry a Victoria’s Secret model like him to have awesome sex, because they can have better orgasms jerking themselves off. :rofl

raced ferrari 360. beat him. guy gave thumbs up. have a nice day/ pjb.

Travis, he mad.

I don’t own an exotic, just a overpriced Nissan… but my only issue is when ricers ride my bumper/ or almost hit me trying to take pics of my car or try to race. Not just ricers, but pick up trucks do the same damn thing. Anyone that knows me knows I’ll BS all day about cars as long as you are cool. It’s people that walk up and go “HOW MUCH YOU PAY FOR THAT”… that I can’t deal with.

We’re all car guys, it’s just the idiots I can’t deal with.

The pictures are going to happen. And the idiots are going to happen. To expand on an earlier analogy, it is like having a Victoria’s Secret model as a wife or GF and expecting guys not to stare. You just have to punch the ones that say something ridiculous or try to cop a feel.


I don’t mind if people take pics, I mind if they almost hit me taking pics.

With all the cars I’ve driven over the years I can say I’ve never had someone come up and state their car was faster/better. Might just be the areas I tend to drive in or maybe just luck I don’t run into that type of person.

I have been more or less trapped as fuel stations in the past by people asking questions. Had a crowd of people flocking around the ultima a few years ago and probably spent a solid 20 minutes at the pump talking to people about the car. Personally I think that’s half the fun of driving such a vehicle :slight_smile:

Solution to all your cool car problems: Buy a cheap not so cool car.


buy a harley