Modified Mag FEB

Hello everyone :slight_smile:
Thanks to the few of you who pm’d me once you found out who I was…

I wrote a letter to modified mag in dec…in regards to an editorial that I read stating women looked better next to cars rather then modding or driving them…

Well…it got published :slight_smile:

If anyone wants to take a look its in the FEB issue of modified. EVO vs STI

Still single?!


lol good for u… wonder what the editors reply will be :stuck_out_tongue:

He was actually really appologetic haha
apparently his “real point got overlooked”

He was just trying to stress that its nice to have time for a hobby on your own…but that got washed out by all the female bashing haha

hahah ya my g/f looks better beside my car in a bikini than under the hood wrenching… although if i remember transformers correctly Megan fox under the hood ain’t so bad :wink: