Monthly Calgary Meets

We’ll probably head right in, it’ll probably be to cold to be outside, plus hardly anyone has their car out in winter.

8 is just a general time…some come late, some early. give me a shout if you want to make sure you’re not the first one there lol


Yeah I guess you’re right, I’m just one of those that’s too poor to have a winter car.

See you guys there.


I am going to show up. Not going to be in anything cool cause my car is still all apart but I don’t care ( i gotta keep telling myself that). Time for some boozin.

Haha sweet. Don’t worry…my maxima isn’t very cool either…70 year old men think so though :smiley:

Sorry guys if I didn’t make it, my dog died tonight.


That sucks, sorry to hear about your dog.

Meet went good till we got kicked out of the private room…sorry about that guys, I didn’t expect that many people to show up. But thanks to everyone that came, met some new people, got made fun of a bit…good times :finga:

yeah I thought it was a good turnout …godo to meet all the calgary peeps …hope to see everyones in the summer when we come down again

AHHH CRAP. I misread. I thought it was tonight. Shiat sounds like it went well even without me. Oh well.

Ok so I saw this thread about 5 days too late… :oops:

I am def up for getting out to these though. So does this mean now there wont be another one until March? I finally have my car going again so I’m pumped up. :slight_smile:

Anyhow, I’ll be sure to check it out next time.


guys, I am not 18. Maybe we can go to the roller rink and drink a nice soda. he he he

good meet though, can’t wait for the next one. And than SUMMER. hopefully ,y car is going to be making a few trips to the shops so it looks all nice and pretty.


oh come on Laurier, your pretty enough that you don’t need a pretty car :girl

special emergency meeting :smiley:

slide and typhoon coming down to calgary from thursday to sunday i believe :slight_smile:


Alright Soldiers…sounds like Calgary Nissan Meet #3 will be held this weekend. Please post any suggestions for the place you’d like to gather, or I’ll be forced to pick somewhere myself :E

mmmm…I think we may have to play some pool this time.

Maybe I can even have my car running to meet up.

hopefully :expressionless:

You better, you havn’t been to the other two!


Friday PLEASE!!!

i work all saturday and I don’t get off till 10:30 and by the time i get to mcleod it will be 11 ish. but if saturday is better for everyone else i will sit this one out.

hmmmm…I guess we’ll see who else wants it on Friday. Kind of interferes with my plans but I can work around it. I’ll let you know buddy 8)

all i know is, if i see a single flake of snow\flurry when i am down in calgary, i am going to key every single 240 i see due to anger and frustration :\

wow i’ll make sure I hide my car cuz calgarys got some messed up weather…we can have rain, snow, sleet, fog, and +32 C all in one day :rolleyes:
thats all I need is MORE key marks on my car… :rambo

I’m thinking that Shanks South will be the meet location this time.

Any objections?

We can play mini golf, pool, golden tee, arcade, etc.